- 首頁
- >
- 書籍詳目頁
- 作者: Dennis Le Boeuf 、 景黎明 (著) ; 黃鈺云 (編) ; 何敏 、 景黎明 (譯)
- 學科分類: 語言文學類
- 書籍分類: 英文
- 出版社: 寂天文化事業股份有限公司
- 出版地:臺灣
- 出版日期:2005
- 語文:繁體中文
- ISBN/識別號:9575858255
英文易混淆字A─Z = World talk : common confusing words
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- 目錄
- 作者序言
- 本書使用圖解
- A
- 01 Above/Over
- 02 A lot/Allot see Allot/A lot
- 03 A while/Awhile-see Awhile/A while
- 04 Accede/Exceed
- 05 Accent/Ascent/Assent
- 06 Accept/Except/Except for
- 07 Access/Excess
- 08 Account/Bill
- 09 Accurate/Precise
- 10 Actual/Real
- 11 Ad/Add
- 12 Adapt/Adept/Adopt
- 13 Addition/Edition
- 14 Adverse/Averse
- 15 Advice/Advise
- 16 Affect/Effect
- 17 After/Afterward/Afterwards
- 18 After/Behind
- 19 Afterward/Afterwards/After-see After/Afterward/Afterwards
- 20 Age/Aged/At the age of
- 21 Aid/Aide
- 22 Ail/Ale
- 23 Ain't
- 24 Aircraft/Airplane/Plane
- 25 Ale/Ail-see Ail/Ale
- 26 Alike/Likely
- 27 Alive/Lively/Living
- 28 All ready/Already
- 29 All right/Alright
- 30 All together/Altogether-see Altogether/All together
- 31 All ways/Always-see Always/All ways
- 32 Alley/Ally
- 33 Allot/A lot
- 34 Allusion/Delusion/Illusion
- 35 Ally/Alley-see Alley/Ally
- 36 Alone/Lone/Lonely
- 37 Already/All ready-see All ready/Already
- 38 Alright/All right—see All right/Alright
- 39 Alternate/Alternative
- 40 Altogether/All together
- 41 Always/All ways
- 42 Among/Between
- 43 Amongst/Among
- 44 Amount/Number
- 45 And
- 46 And...etc
- 47 Anecdote/Antidote
- 48 Angel/Angle
- 49 Annual/Annul
- 50 Ant/Aunt
- 51 Ante-/Anti-
- 52 Antidote/Anecdote - see Anecdote/Antidote
- 53 Anxious/Eager
- 54 Anyone/Any one
- 55 Anytime/Any time
- 56 Anyway/Any way/Anyways
- 57 Appraise/Apprise/Appreciate
- 58 Arc/Ark
- 59 Area/Aria
- 60 As a result of/Due to/Because of/On account of/Owing to-see Due to/Because of/On account of/Owing to/As a result of
- 61 Ascent/Assent/Accent-see Accent/Ascent/Assent
- 62 Assure/Ensure/Insure
- 63 At about
- 64 Aunt/Ant-see Ant/Aunt
- 65 Averse/Adverse-see Adverse/Averse
- 66 Award/Praise/Prize
- 67 Awhile/A while
- B
- 01 Bad/Badly
- 02 Ban/Forbid
- 03 Band/Banned
- 04 Bare/Bear
- 05 Base/Basis/Bases
- 06 Bazaar/Bizarre-see Bizarre/Bazaar
- 07 Beach/Beech
- 08 Beach/Shore
- 09 Bear/Bare-see Bare/Bear
- 10 Beat/Beet
- 11 Because of/Due to/On account of/Owing to-see Due to/Because of/On account of/Owing to
- 12 Become/Become of
- 13 Beech/Beach-see Beach/Beech
- 14 Beet/Beat-see Beat/Beet
- 15 Behind/After—see After/Behind
- 16 Bell/Belle
- 17 Benefit/Profit
- 18 Berry/Bury
- 19 Berth/Birth
- 20 Beside/Besides
- 21 Between/Among-see Among/Between
- 22 Biannual/Biennial
- 23 Bibliography/Biography
- 24 Biennial/Biannual-see Biannual/Biennial
- 25 Bill/Account-see Account/Bill
- 26 Birth/Berth-see Berth/Birth
- 27 Bizarre/Bazaar
- 28 Boarder/Border
- 29 Born/Borne
- 30 Borrow/Lend
- 31 Both/Each-see Each/Both
- 32 Bought/Brought-see Brought/Bought
- 33 Brake/Break
- 34 Bread/Bred
- 35 Breadth/Breath/Breathe
- 36 Bred/Bread-see Bread/Bred
- 37 Bring/Take
- 38 Britain/Briton
- 39 Brought/Bought
- 40 Bury/Berry-see Berry/Bury
- 41 But... however
- C
- 01 Café/Coffee
- 02 Calendar/Calender
- 03 Canal/Channel
- 04 Cannot/Can not
- 05 Cannot help but
- 06 Capital/Capitol
- 07 Carefree/Careful
- 08 Carton/Cartoon
- 09 Casual/Causal
- 10 Catch/Ketch
- 11 Catch up/Ketchup
- 12 Causal/Casual-see Casual/Causal
- 13 Cease/Seize
- 14 Cell/Sell
- 15 Censor/Censure
- 16 Cent/Scent/Sent
- 17 Cession/Session
- 18 Channel/Canal-see Canal/Channel
- 19 Cheap/Cheep
- 20 Chief/General/Main
- 21 Cite/Site/Sight
- 22 Class-see Kind
- 23 Clean/Clear
- 24 Click/Clique
- 25 Cloth/Clothes/Clothing
- 26 Close/Cloze
- 27 Coal/Cole
- 28 Coarse/Course
- 29 Coffee/Café-see Café/Coffee
- 30 Cole/Coal-see Coal/Cole
- 31 Collision/Collusion
- 32 Come and/Come to
- 33 Command/Commend
- 34 Common/Mutual-see Mutual/Common
- 35 Common/Ordinary
- 36 Compare to/Compare with
- 37 Complement/Compliment
- 38 Compose/Comprise
- 39 Confidant/Confident
- 40 Confidentially/Confidently
- 41 Consequence/Result
- 42 Constant/Continue
- 43 Content/Satisfy
- 44 Contemporary/Modern/Nowadays
- 45 Continue/Constant-see Constant/Continue
- 46 Conversation/Conservation
- 47 Consensus/General consensus/Consensus of opinion
- 48 Continual/Continuous/Constant
- 49 Cooperation/Corporation
- 50 Correspondence/Correspondents
- 51 Costume/Custom
- 52 Council/Counsel/Consul
- 53 Councilor/Counselor
- 54 Course/Coarse-see Coarse/Course
- 55 Critic/Critique
- 56 Custom/Costume-see Costume/Custom
- D
- 01 Dairy/Diary
- 02 Data/Datum
- 03 Dead/Died
- 04 Deceased/Diseased
- 05 Decent/Descent/Dissent
- 06 Defer/Differ
- 07 Deference/Difference
- 08 Delighted/Delightful
- 09 Delusion/Illusion/Allusion-see Allusion/Delusion/Illusion
- 10 Dependant/Dependent
- 11 Descent/Dissent/Decent-see Decent/Descent/Dissent
- 12 Desert/Dessert
- 13 Device/Devise
- 14 Diagram/Figure/Graph/Pattern
- 15 Diary/Dairy-see Dairy/Diary
- 16 Die/Dye
- 17 Died/Dead-see Dead/Died
- 18 Differ/Defer-see Defer/Differ
- 19 Difference/Deference-see Deference/Difference
- 20 Different from/Different than
- 21 Disapprove/Disprove
- 22 Discreet/Discrete
- 23 Diseased/Deceased-see Deceased/Diseased
- 24 Disinterested/Uninterested
- 25 Disprove/Disapprove-see Disapprove/Disprove
- 26 Dissent/Descent/Decent-see Decent/Descent/Dissent
- 27 Divers/Diverse
- 28 Doubt that/Doubt whether
- 29 Dress/Skirt
- 30 Due to/Because of/On account of/Owing to/As a result of
- 31 Dye/Die-see Die/Dye
- 32 Dying/Dyeing
- E
- 01 Each/Both
- 02 Each other/One another
- 03 Eager/Anxious-see Anxious/Eager
- 04 Economic/Economical
- 05 Edition/Addition-see Addition/Edition
- 06 Effect/Affect see Affect/Effect
- 07 e.g./i.e.-see i.e./e.g
- 08 Either. . . or . . . Neither... nor
- 09 Eligible/Illegible
- 10 Emigrate/Immigrate
- 11 Eminent/Imminent
- 12 Ensure/Insure/Assure-see Assure/Ensure/Insure
- 13 Envelop/Envelope
- 14 Envy/Jealousy/Jealous
- 15 Especially/Specially
- 16 etc
- 17 Everyday/Every day
- 18 Everyone/Every one
- 19 Exceed/Accede-see Accede/Exceed
- 20 Except/Accept-see Accept/Except
- 21 Excess/Access-see Access/Excess
- 22 Experience/Experiment
- F
- 01 Fair/Fare
- 02 Farther/Further/Farthest/Furthest
- 03 Feat/Feet
- 04 Fewer/Less
- 05 Figure/Diagram/Graph/Pattern-see Diagram/Figure/Graph/Pattern
- 06 First/Firstly
- 07 Flea/Flee
- 08 Flour/Flower
- 09 For/Fore/Four
- 10 Forbear/Forebear
- 11 Forbid/Ban-see Ban/Forbid
- 12 Fore/For/Four-see For/Fore/Four
- 13 Formally/Formerly
- 14 Forth/Fourth
- 15 Forward/Foreword
- 16 Four/For/Fore-see For/Fore/Four
- 17 Fourth/Forth-see Forth/Fourth
- 18 Franc/Frank
- 19 Further/Farther-see Farther/Further
- G
- 01 General/Chief/Main-see Chief/General/Main
- 02 Genius/Genus
- 03 Gilt/Guilt
- 04 Glance/Glare
- 05 Gold/Golden
- 06 Good/Well
- 07 Graph/Diagram/Figure/Pattern-see Diagram/Figure/Graph/Pattern
- 08 Grate/Great
- 09 Guilt/Gilt - see Gilt/Guilt
- H
- 01 Hair/Hare
- 02 Hall/Haul
- 03 Handsome/Hansom
- 04 Hare/Hair - see Hair/Hare
- 05 Hart/Heart
- 06 Haul/Hall - see Hall/Haul
- 07 Heal/Heel/He’ll
- 08 Healthful/Healthy
- 09 Hear/Here
- 10 Hear/Listen
- 11 Heart/Hart - see Hart/Heart
- 12 Heel/Heal/He’ll - see Heal/Heel/He’ll
- 13 Here/Hear - see Hear/Here
- 14 Holey/Holy/Holly
- 15 Homework/Housework
- 16 However - see But... however
- 17 Human/Humane
- 18 Hypercritical/Hypocritical
- I
- 01 Idle/Idol/Idyll
- 02 i.e
- 03 Illegible/Eligible - see Eligible/Illegible
- 04 Illusion/Allusion/Delusion - see Allusion/Delusion/Illusion
- 05 Imaginary/Imaginative
- 06 Immigrate/Emigrate - see Emigrate/Immigrate
- 07 Imminent/Eminent - see Eminent/Imminent
- 08 Imply/Infer
- 09 In to/Into - see Into/In to
- 10 Inane/Insane
- 11 Incidence/Incidents
- 12 Ingenious/Ingenuous
- 13 Intelligent/Intelligible
- 14 Insane/Inane - see Inane/Insane
- 15 Insure/Assure/Ensure - see Assure/Ensure/Insure
- 16 Intense/Intents
- 17 Into/In to
- 18 Irregardless/Regardless/Regardless of
- 19 Its/It’s
- J
- 01 Jealous/Jealousy
- 02 Jealous/Jealousy/Envy - see Envy/Jealousy/Jealous
- 03 Job
- K
- 01 Ketch/Catch - see Catch/Ketch
- 02 Ketchup/Catch up - see Catch up/Ketchup
- 03 Kind
- 04 Kind of a
- L
- 01 Lain/Lane
- 02 Last/Latest
- 03 Later/Latter
- 04 Lay/Lie
- 05 Lend/Borrow - see Borrow/Lend
- 06 Less/Fewer - see Fewer/Less
- 07 Lessen/Lesson
- 08 Lie/Lay - see Lay/Lie
- 09 Lightening/Lightning
- 10 Likely/Alike - see Alike/Likely
- 11 Listen/Hear - see Hear/Listen
- 12 Lively/Living/Alive - see Alive/Lively/Living
- 13 Loan/Lone
- 14 Loath/Loathe
- 15 Lone/Lonely/Alone - see Alone/Lone/Lonely
- 16 Lone/Loan - see Loan/Lone
- 17 Loose/Lose/Loss
- M
- 01 Made/Maid
- 02 Mail/Male
- 03 Main/General/Chief - see Chief/General/Main
- 04 Manner/Manor
- 05 Marital/Martial/Marshal
- 06 Marry/Merry/Mary
- 07 Marshal/Marital/Martia - see Marital/Martial/Marshal
- 08 Mary/Marry/Merry - see Marry/Merry/Mary
- 09 Mature/Ripe
- 10 Maybe/May be
- 11 Meat/Meet/Mete
- 12 Media/Medium
- 13 Meet/Mete/Meat - see Meat/Meet/Mete
- 14 Memories/Memoirs
- 15 Merry/Mary/Marry - see Marry/Merry/Mary
- 16 Metal/Mettle
- 17 Modern/Contemporary/Nowadays - see Contemporary/Modern/Nowadays
- 18 Moral/Morale
- 19 Morality/Mortality
- 20 Mutual/Common
- N
- 01 Neither... nor... - see Either... or...
- 02 Nobody/No body
- 03 None/No one
- 04 Nowadays/Modern/Contemporary - see Contemporary/Modern/Nowadays
- 05 Number/Amount - see Amount/Number
- O
- 01 Off/Off of/Off from
- 02 On to/Onto
- 03 On account of/Due to/Because of/Owing to/As a result of - see Due to/Because of/On account of/Owing to/As a result of
- 04 One another/Each other - see Each other/One another
- 05 Only
- 06 Opposite
- 07 Ordinary/Common - see Common/Ordinary
- 08 Over/Above - see Above/Over
- 09 Owing to/Because of/Due to/On account of/As a result of - see Due to/Because of/On account of/Owing to/As a result of
- P
- 01 Pail/Pale
- 02 Pain/Pane
- 03 Pair/Pare/Pear
- 04 Pale/Pail - see Pail/Pale
- 05 Pane/Pain - see Pain/Pane
- 06 Pare/Pear/Pair - see Pair/Pare/Pear
- 07 Pass/Passed/Past
- 08 Patience/Patient/Patients
- Q
- 09 Pattern/Diagram/Figure/Graph - see Diagram/Figure/Graph/Pattern
- 10 Peak/Peek
- 11 Pear/Pair/Pare - see Pair/Pare/Pear
- 12 People/Person - see Person/People
- 13 Percent/Percentage
- 14 Person/People
- 15 Personal/Personnel
- 16 Perspective/Prospective
- 17 Physical/Psychical
- 18 Plain/Plane
- 19 Pleas/Please
- 20 Pole/Poll
- 21 Practical/Practicable
- 22 Praise/Prize/Award see Award/Praise/Prize
- 23 Pray/Prey
- 24 Precede/Proceed
- 25 Precise/Accurate - see Accurate/Precise
- 26 Predominant/Predominate
- 27 Presents/Presence
- 28 Preventative/Preventive
- 29 Prey/Pray - see Pray/Prey
- 30 Price/Prize
- 31 Prize/Praise/Award - see Award/Praise/Prize
- 32 Principal/Principle
- 33 Prize/Price - see Price/Prize
- 34 Profit/Benefit - see Benefit/Profit
- 35 Profit/Prophet
- 36 Propose/Purpose
- 37 Prospective/Perspective see Perspective/Prospective
- 38 Psychical/Physical - see Physical/Psychical
- 39 Purpose/Propose - see Propose/Purpose
- 01 Quiet/Quit/Quite
- R
- 01 Raise/Rise
- 02 Read/Reed
- 03 Real/Actual - see Actual/Real
- 04 Real/Really
- 05 Recur/Reoccur
- 06 Reed/Read - see Read/Reed
- 07 Regardless/Regardless of/Irregardless - see Irregardless/Regardless/Regardless of
- 08 Respectably/Respectfully/Respectively
- 09 Result/Consequence - see Consequence/Result
- 10 Right/Rite/Write
- 11 Ripe/Mature - see Mature/Ripe
- 12 Rise/Raise - see Raise/Rise
- 13 Rite/Right/Write - see Right/Rite/Write
- 14 Road/Rode
- 15 Role/Roll
- S
- 01 Safety/Security
- 02 Sail/Sale
- 03 the same . . . as . . ./the same . . . that
- 04 Satisfy/Content - see Content/Satisfy
- 05 Scent/Sent/Cent - see Cent/Scent/Sent
- 06 Sea/See
- 07 Security/Safety - see Safety/Security
- 08 Seize/Cease - see Cease/Seize
- 09 Sell/Cell - see Cell/Sell
- 10 Sensible/Sensitive
- 11 Sent/Scent/Cent - see Cent/Scent/Sent
- 12 Session/Cession - see Cession/Session
- 13 Shadow/Shade
- 14 Shore/Beach - see Beach/Shore
- 15 Sight/Site/Cite - see Cite/Site/Sight
- 16 Site/Sight/Cite - see Cite/Site/Sight
- 17 Skirt/Dress - see Dress/Skirt
- 18 Soar/Sore
- 19 Sole/Soul
- 20 Someday/Some day
- 21 Sometime/Some time/Sometimes
- 22 Sore/Soar - see Soar/Sore
- 23 Sort - see Kind
- 24 Soul/Sole - see Sole/Soul
- 25 Spacious/Specious
- 26 Specially/Especially - see Especially/Specially
- 27 Specious/Spacious - see Spacious/Specious
- 28 Stair/Stare
- 29 Stationary/Stationery
- 30 Statistics/Statistical
- 31 Statue/Stature
- 32 Steal/Steel
- 33 Such as. . . etc. - see etc
- 34 Sure/Surely
- T
- 01 Tail/Tale
- 02 Take/Bring - see Bring/Take
- 03 Tale/Tail - see Tail/Tale
- 04 That
- 05 That/Which
- 06 Their/They’re/There
- 07 Theirs/There's
- 08 Tide/Tied
- 09 Tortuous/Torturous
- 10 Trail/Trial
- 11 Try to/Try and
- 12 Type - see Kind
- U
- 01 Undo/Undue
- 02 Unique/More Unique
- 03 Unique/Unusual
- 04 Uninterested/Disinterested - see Disinterested/Uninterested
- 05 Unusual/Unique - see Unique/Unusual
- 06 Used to
- 07 Utilize/Use
- V
- 01 Vale/Veil
- 02 Vary/Very
- 03 Veil/Vale - see Vale/Veil
- 04 Very/Vary - see Vary/Very
- W
- 01 Waive/Wave
- 02 Ware/Wear/Where
- 03 Wave/Waive - see Waive/Wave
- 04 Weak/Week
- 05 Wear/Ware/Where - see Ware/Wear/Where
- 06 Weather/Whether
- 07 Week/Weak - see Weak/Week
- 08 Well/Good - see Good/Well
- 09 Where/Wear/Ware - see Ware/Wear/Where
- 10 Which/That - see That/Which
- 11 Which/Witch
- 12 Who ever/Whoever/Whomever
- 13 Who's/Whose
- 14 Wont/Won't
- 15 Work/Job - see Job/Work
- 16 Write/Right/Rite - see Right/Rite/Write
- Y
- 01 You’re/Your