- 目錄
- 序
- 前言
- 瑤柱芥菜 Mustard Green with Con-Poy
- 鍋耙蝦仁 Fry Shrimp with Dried Fried Rice
- 怪味雞 Spiced Chicken
- 什錦麵 Noodles Mix
- 蠔油鳳翼 Chicken Wing in Oyster Oil
- 豆苗蝦仁 Fry Shrimp with Sugar Peas shoot
- 家常魷魚卷 Squid in Chilli Sauce
- 蠔油鮑魚 Abalone in Oyster Sauce
- 炒什錦 Fry Vegetables
- 干貝絲瓜 Steam Scallop with Loofah
- 干貝芥菜 Fried Mustard whti Scallop
- 苦瓜肥腸 Pig-Intestine with Bitter cucumber
- 蹄筋燴海參 Sinew with Sea Slug in Thick Sauce
- 羅漢齋 Vegetarian Meal for Buddhism
- 百合蝦仁 Fry Shrimp with Lily
- 生吃龍蝦 Lobster in Cold Sauce
- 蛤蜊絲瓜 Clam and Loofah
- 香辣海瓜子 Spicy Clams
- 鹹蜆仔 Pickled Shell
- 涼拌豆腐 Cold Dressed To-Fu
- 美味鮮菇湯 Fresh Mushroom Soup
- 魩仔魚焿 Small Fish Potage
- 髮菜豆腐湯 Laver Bean Curd Soup
- 冬瓜盅 Winter Melon Cup
- 蒜頭雞湯 Garlic and Chicken Soup
- 花瓜雞湯 Pickle and Chicken Soup
- 蒜頭田雞湯 Garlic and Frog Soup
- 什錦堡 Assorted Stew
- 竹笙鮮菇湯 Black MushLroom Soup with Bamboo Reeds
- 苦瓜雞湯 Bitter Gourd and Chicken Soup
- 豆腐砂鍋 To-Fu in Sandy Pot
- 竹笙香菇雞 Black Mushroom Chicken with Bamboo Fungus
- 蘆筍濃湯 Asparagus Soup
- 蘿蔔絲鯽魚湯 Carrot Shredded and Gold Carp Soup
- 金銀花絲瓜湯 Loofah Soup with Honeysuckle
- 陳皮蘿蔔瘦身湯 Radish Soup with Tangerine Peel
- 蓮子百合瘦肉湯 Lean Soup with Lotus Seeds and Lily Bulb
- 絲瓜干貝湯 Luffa and Dried scallop Soup
- 海鮮粥 Seafood Rice Gruel
- 髮菜鮮蚵粥 Seaweed and oyster with Rice Gruel
- 三鮮粥 Mixed Rice Gruel
- 滑蛋牛肉粥 Beef and Egg with Rice Gruel
- 糙米排骨粥 Unpolished Rice Gruel with Ribs
- 雞絲粥 Chicken Shredded Rice Gruel
- 莧菜小魚粥 Amaranth and Little Fish with Rice Gruel
- 金菇絲瓜粥 Gold Mushroom and Sponge Gourd with Rice Gruel
- 蝦球粥 Shrimp Ball Rice Gruel
- 火腿玉米粥 Ham and Corn with Rice Gruel
- 台式鹹粥 Taiwaness Rice Gruel
- 豬腳麵線 Pork Knuckle Noodle Threads
- 榨菜肉絲麵 Pickled Vegetable and Meat with Noodles
- 鍋燒麵 Noodles by a Cooking Pot
- 鐤邊趖 De-Ba Chou
- 芒果沙拉 Mango Salad
- 葵秋蘿蔔沙拉 Green Nightshade with Carrot Salad
- 蘆筍沙拉 Asparagus Salad
- 豆腐海帶沙拉 To-fu with Seaweed Salad
- 胡蘿蔔芹菜汁 Carrot and Celery Juice
- 黃瓜牛奶汁 Cucumber Milk Juice
- 綠蘆筍汁 Asparagus Juice
- 芹菜鳳梨汁 Celery and Pineapple Juice
- 橘子牛奶汁 Orange Milk Juice
- 西瓜牛奶汁 Water Melon Milk Juice
- 健康飲食金字塔
- 高熱量食物(一)
- 高熱量食物(二)
- 高熱量食物(三)
- 高粗脂肪食物(一)
- 高粗脂肪食物(二)
- 高粗脂肪食物(三)
- 高膳食纖維食物
- 高粗纖維食物
- 高膽固醇食物
- 高鈉食物
- 粗脂肪與飽和脂肪酸表