- 目錄
- 序
- 紅燒牛肉麵 Simmering Beef Noodles
- 什錦湯麵 Noodles with Multiple Ingredients
- 三色涼麵 Colorful Cold Noodles
- 油豆腐細粉 Fried Oiled To-Fu with Bean Noodles
- 榨菜肉絲麵 Rickled Vegetable and Meat with Noodles
- 奶油燭通心麵 Backed Creamy Spaghetti
- 炒烏龍麵 Fry Wu-Long Noodles
- 擔仔麵 Dan-Tzu Noodles
- 芋頭米粉 Rice Noodles with Taro
- 炒冬粉 Dry Fried Bean Noodles
- 什錦炒麵 Fry Noodles with Multiple Ingredients
- 鍋燒麵 Noodles by a Cooking Pot
- 麻辣麵 Spicy Noodles
- 雪菜肉絲麵 Shredded Pork and Salted Cabbage With Noodles
- 肉羹麵 Thicken Pork Soup with Noodles
- 鮮蝦奶油義大利麵 Creamed Shrimp Spaghetti
- 紅燒牛筋麵 Simmer Beef Tendon Noodles
- 台式炒麵 Taiwaness Fry Noodles
- 排骨麵 Noodles with Ribs
- 乾拌麵 A Noodles Served with Sauce
- 紅油炒手 Spricy Chao-Chou
- 義大利肉醬麵 Spaghetti
- 火腿雞絲麵 Noodles with Ham and Chicken Shredded
- 大滷麵 Special Sauce Noodles
- 涼麵 Cold Noodles
- 炸醬麵 Noodles with Spicy Bean Sauce
- 三鮮燴麵 Fried Noodles with Sea Food
- 叉燒麵 Poast Pork Noodles
- 乾炒河粉 Dry Fried Rice Noodles With Meat
- 豬腳麵 Pig Feet with Noodles
- 牛肉炒麵 Dry Fried Beef Noodles
- 廣東炒麵 Kwangtung Style Fried Noodles
- 菜肉大餛飩 Hun-Tun with meat and vegetable
- 燒賣 Steamed Pie with Meat
- 海鮮粥 Seafood Rice Gruel
- 雞絲粥 Chicken Shredded Rice Gruel
- 蘿蔔絲粥 Radish Shredded Rico Gruel
- 滑蛋牛肉粥 Beef and Egg with Rice Gruel
- 鮑魚粥 Abalone with Rice Gruel
- 肉片粥 Meat Sliced Rice Gruel
- 莧菜小魚粥 Amaranth and Little Fish with Rice Gruel
- 糙米排骨粥 Unpolished Rice Gruel With Ribs
- 菜肉蛋花粥 Vegetables. Meat and Egg With Ribs Gruel
- 火腿玉米粥 Ham and Corn with Rice Gruel
- 臘八粥 His-Pa rice Gruel
- 香菇芋頭粥 Black Mushroom and Taro with Rice Gruel
- 地瓜粥 Sweet Potato Rice Gruel
- 紅蘿蔔小排粥 Carrot and Small Ribs with Rice Gruel
- 百合紅豆粥 Lily and Red Bean with Rice Gruel
- 豬肝粥 Pig Liver Rice Gruel
- 魚片白果粥 Fish Sliced and White-nut with Rice Gruel
- 紅棗干貝粥 Red Jujube and Dried Scallop with Rice Gruel
- 藥膳粥 Medical Rice Gruel
- 鮮蚵粥 Oyster Rice Gruel
- 皮蛋瘦肉粥 Preserved Egg and Meat with Rice Gruel
- 香菇瘦肉粥 Black Mushrooms and Meat with Rice Gruel
- 蝦球粥 Shrimp Ball Rice Gruel
- 髮菜鮮蚵粥 Seaweed and Oyster with Rice Gruel
- 金菇絲瓜粥 Gold Mushroom and Sponge Gourd with Rice Gruel
- 虱目魚粥 Milkfish Rice Gruel
- 三鮮粥 Mixed Rice Gruel
- 紅棗百合粥 Red Jujube and Lily with Rice Gruel
- 廣東粥 Kwangtung Style Rice Gruel
- 干貝皮蛋粥 Dried Scallop and Preserved Egg With Rice Gruel
- 小湯包 Small Steamer Bun
- 台式鹹粥 Taiwaness Rice Gruel
- 蝦仁腸粉 Shrimp Rice Noodle Rolls
- 叉燒腸粉 Roast Pork Rice Noodle Rolls
- 蛋餅 Egg Cake
- 蔥油餅 Cakes with onions
- 素蒸餃 Vegetable Steamed Dumpling
- 水餃 Boiled Pork Dumpling
- 韭菜盒子 Chinese Chives Cake
- 牛肉餡餅 Stuffed Cake with Beff
- 蘿蔔絲餅 Tumip Cake
- 鍋貼 Lightly Fried Dumpling
涂蝶、魏可芬(小可)(著);章浩潤、涂蝶(攝) -
陳玉儀(著) -
陳富春(著);凌瑋琪,林少屏(編);迷彩攝影(攝) -