- 目錄
1. The First Date 初戀
2. Fifty Roses 五十枝玫瑰花
3. I Have Forgotten 我已經忘了
4. She Was Always SO Pretty 她總是那麼靚麗
5. She'd Be Way Too Old 她也許是太老了
6. A Quarter Coin 一枚兩角五分的硬幣
7. I Just Couldn't Remember Her Name 剛才我沒有想起她的名字
8. An Important Case 一個嚴重的病人
9. Ancient Communications 古代的通訊
10. Your Sister Returned Your Call 你姐姐回了你的電話
11.A Promising Boy 有前途的男孩
12. Saving Postage 節省郵資
13. He Has Got No Nose 他沒有鼻子
14. Women Are Not Faithful 女人不忠實
15. An Imperfect Definition 不準確的定義
16. An Argument 拾槓
17. Detective Gray 偵探格雷
18. No Yielding 不屈不撓
19. Gone but Not Forgotton 君去矣,勿忘矣
20. A Useful Invention 有用的發明
21. A Good Guide 優秀的嚮導
22. Two Right Shoes 兩隻右腳的鞋
23. The Foolish Man Wore Shoes 蠢人穿鞋
24. A Good Neighbor 一位好鄰居
25. No Money Below 此地無銀
26.A Ten-Thousand-Year Old Tortoise 萬年龜
27. The Twins 學生兄弟
28. A Smart Suicide 一次利索的自繼
29. A Cunning Bird-Seller 狡猾的賣烏人
30. The Miller and the Thief 磨坊主與夜賊
31. To Call Another Adult 叫另外一個大人來
32. A Whale 一條鯨魚
33. An Optimist and a Pessimist 樂觀者和悲觀者
34 .The Hand Shall Go to Prison 右手該被監禁
35. He's Going off to College他將去上大學
36. The Honest Man Was Rewarded 誠實者賞
37. The On Time Schedule 「正點」計畫
38. Quick Wit 機智靈敏
39. He Got It Wrong 他誤解了
40. The Computers Are Down 電腦出了毛病
41. To Make a Coffin for You 為你造棺材
42. To Stop the Nightmare 制止惡夢
43. Do you Need a Partner 你要搭檔嗎?
44. Simplicity 愚蠢
45. Just Having Fun 只是覺得好玩
46. No Royal Road to Reading 讀書無捷徑
47. Would You Vote for Me 請投我的票,好嗎
48. It Tastes So Nice 味道頂好
49. A Free Book 一本免費的書
50. A Man Fond of Sleeping 一個貪睡的人
51. A Turning Point 轉折點
52. What A Pity真可惜
53. In a Hospital Room 108 在病房裡
54. Putting Out Fire 110 滅火
55. A Clever Doctor 智醫
56.A Boaster Caught 吹牛皮者受窘
57. The Pot Has a Baby 罐子生仔
58. The Artist and the Two Cats 美術家與兩隻貓
59. A God-fearing Woman 信仰上帝的女人
60. Doing as the Birds Do 效法烏兒
61. The Laziest of the Three 滿懶的懶骨頭
62. A Sparrow Interpreter 麻雀需要翻譯
63. A Timid Old Man 膽小怕事的老漢
64. Good Joes 討人喜歡的喬哥
65. Tit for Tat 以牙還牙
66. A Baby Gains Five Kilos a Day 某嬰日長五公斤
67. You Are a Liar 你說謊
68. He Won the Case 他打贏了官司
69. The Hungry Bag 餓袋
70. Shakespeare or Cheese 莎士比亞,還是奶酪
71. Not Knowing Either 有所不知
72. It's Just the Kind of House 正是那種房子
73. Preventive Medicine 防病良藥
74. She Doesn't Let Me Fart 她不讓我放屁
75. What Was It Like 是什麼樣子
76. Never Mind About Me 不必管我
77. An Awkward Fix 弄巧反抽
78. Fine Stockings 美襪
79. I Can't Drink It with No Spoon 無匙怎飲湯
80. Feed a Cow 餵牛
81. A Clever Painter 聰明的漆匠
82. The Stars Reflected in the River 星光在河水中閃爍
83. Which One Is the Boy 哪個是男孩
84. Photographs of World-famous People 世界名人照
85. Fringe Benefits 額外福利
86. Let Them Work for It 188 讓他們掙來
87. How to Spell It 如何拼寫街名
88. Have You Been Pregnant 你懷過孕嗎
89. Who Would You Attack 你會向誰發起攻擊
90. How to Get There 去那兒怎麼走
91. A Problem Child 難管教的兒童
92. A Storyteller 說故事的人
93. The Same Old Lie 同樣的陳腐謊盲
94. Gratitude 感恩
95. Pay by Weight 210 按重付款
96. Psychological Effect 心理作用
97. Good Samaritan 濟貧助病者
98. Six-and-Seven-Eighths 六又八分之七
99. My Husband's Empty Seat 老公的空位子
100. Action Is Mightier Than Speech 行動勝於吉訶
101. The Valor of the Humble 貧賤者勇
102. A Way to Good Business 生意興隆之道
103. The Poor Brother-in-Law 可憐的小叔
104. His Engagement Dissolved 婚約吹了
105. A Clever Thief 聰明的小偷
106. I Feel Like Shooting Myself 我真想朝自己開槍
107. The Person Tricked Laughs 受愚者笑開懷
108. She Was Conscious of It 她有自知之明
109. Give Me the Parcels 把包包全都給我
110. The Backstage Is on Fire 後臺著火
111. She Needed Peace 她需要平靜
112. It Isn't Blackie 牠不是布萊奇
113. The Ox Knows Why I Am Beating Him 牛知道我為什麼揍牠
114. Aren't You Ashamed of Yourself 你不感到害躁嗎
115. Fighting About a Blanket 爲一張毯子打架