- 首頁
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- 書籍詳目頁
- 作者: 韓東(Han Dong) (著)
- 學科分類: 語言文學類
- 書籍分類: 世界文學 ; 文學院
- 出版社: 香港中文大學出版社
- 出版地:香港
- 出版日期:2013
- 語文:中英對照
- ISBN/識別號:9789629966263
- DOI: 10.978.962996/6263
一聲巨響 A Loud Noise
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Following the convening of Hong Kong International Poetry Nights 2013, The World of Words is a collection of selected works by some of the most internationally acclaimed poets today. The poem of "A Loud Noise" by Han Dong (China) is finest contemporary poetry in trilingual or bilingual presentation.
- 目錄
- 1 一聲巨響 / A Loud Noise
- 2 來自大連的電話 / A Phone Call from Dalian
- 3 冬天的荒唐景色 / Absurd Winter Scene
- 4 半坡即景 / Banpo Scene
- 5 橫渡伶仃洋 / Crossing the Lingdingyang,the Lonely Sea
- 6 在水上 / From the Water
- 7 綠樹、紅果 / Green Tree,Red Fruit
- 8 起霧了 / It’s Foggy
- 9 侍母病 / At My Mother’s Bed-Side
- 10 老人 / Old Woman
- 11 克服寂寞 / Overcoming Loneliness
- 12 一些人不愛說話 / Some People Don’t Like to Talk
- 13 小巷裏 / The Alley
- 14 賣雞的 / The Chicken-Seller
- 15 老樓吟 / Dirge of the Old Building
- 16 工人的手 / The Worker’s Hand
- 17 這些年 / These Past Few Years
- 18 小姐 / Waitress
- 19 走走看看 / Walking and Looking
- 20 我們坐在街上 / We Sat on the Street
- 21 報紙 / Newspaper