- 目錄
- 到北九洲訪尋村上春樹:我的文化苦旅 / 黎活仁
- 村上春樹戰爭觀的集大成之作:《海邊的卡夫卡》論 / 邱雅芬
- The Masterpiece of Haruki Murakami’s View on War:The Analysis of Kafka on the Shore / Yafen QIU
- 《海邊的卡夫卡》在日本如何被解讀─少年卡夫卡與《少年卡夫卡》/ 島村輝著,白春燕譯
- How is Kafka on the Shore Interpreted in Japan Teru / SHIMAMURA / Translated by Chun Yen PAI
- 成長與自我破壞─村上春樹《海邊的卡夫卡》與法蘭茲•卡夫卡《在流刑地》/ 松田和夫著,白春燕譯
- Growth and Self-Destructive:Kafka on the Shore of Murakami Haruki and In the Penal Colony of Franz Kafka / Kazuo MATSUDA / Translated by Chun Yen PAI
- 往黑暗的深處─以《海邊的卡夫卡》為中心 / 德永直彰著,白春燕譯
- Into the Depths of Darkness, Centering on Kafka on the Shore / Tokunaga Tadaaki / Translated by Chun Yen PAI
- 《海邊的卡夫卡》論─迷宮的卡夫卡 / 小島基洋、青柳槙平著,白春燕譯
- A Research on Kafka on the Shore: A Maze of Kafka / Motohiro KOJIMA & Shinpei AOYANAGI / Translated by Chun Yen PAI
- 村上春樹長篇小說《海邊的卡夫卡》的日本研究概況 / 白春燕
- The Research Overview of Murakami Haruki’s Novel,Kafka on the Shore, in Japan. Appendix:Articles about Kafka on the Shore in Japan. / Chun Yen PAI
- 重寫英雄原型:《海邊的卡夫卡》的敘事研究 / 翟二猛
- Rewriting the Hero Archetype:Study of Narration in Kafka on the Shore / Ermeng ZHAI
- 少年卡夫卡的故事 / 翟二猛
- Stories of Young Kafka / Ermeng ZHAI
- 《1Q84》批判─村上春樹去向何方?
- Criticism of 1Q84:Where to go,Murakami Haruki? / Kazuo KUROKO / Translated by Xiaoxuan LIN
- 跨越無望之愛的生者與逝者─論《挪威的森林》/ 喜谷暢史著,孫立春譯
- The Living and the Dead Transcending a Desperate Love, a Discussion of Norwegian Wood / Nobutika KITANI / Translated by Lichun SUN
- 從「青豌豆」至「青豆」─《1Q84》之後再讀《挪威的森林》/ 風丸良彥著,吉田陽子譯
- From Ao endo to Aomame: Norwegian wood after 1Q84 / Yoshihiko KAZAMARU / Translated by Yoko YOSHIDA
- 創作中的自我「介入」─〈蜂蜜餅〉論 / 徐忍宇著,李葉玲譯
- The “intervention” in Haruki Murakami’s Works: Take “Honey Pie” as a Case Study / Inwoo SEO / Translated by Yeling LI
- 〈出租車上的男人〉研究:以容格心理學「共時性」作一分析 / 黎活仁、伍文芊
- A Research of Man Riding in a Taxi, with Analysis Based on Jung’s Psychological Synchronicity Theory / Wood Yan LAI & Elizabeth Man Chin Ng
- 總主編的話 / 黎活仁