- 目錄
- 绪 言 Introduction
- 第一章 “筑城得龟” 与东魏建国 Chapter One: the Tale of “Excavating a Turtle as Constructing the City” and the Establishment of the Eastern Wei Dynasty
- 第二章 从“东南有天子气” 论六朝都城 Chapter Two: the Rumor “Imperial Bearing of the Southeast” and the Capital of the Six Dynasties
- 第三章 大兴城与杨隋代周 Chapter Three: the City of Daxing and the Regime Change from the Northern Zhou Dynasty to the Sui Dynasty
- 第四章洛阳城与炀帝大业 Chapter Four: the City of Luoyang and Emperor Yangdi of the Sui Dynasty
- 第五章 宋太祖与开封城 Chapter Five: the City of Kaifeng and Emperor Taizu of the Northern Song Dynasty
- 后 论 Supplementary
- 附录一 汉都长安与陵区之关系 Appendix I: Relations between the City of Chang'an and Mausoleum Areas of the Han Dynasty
- 附录二 试论平城郭城建制的来源 Appendix II: Origin of the Construction Rules of the Outer City of Pingcheng of the Northern Wei Dynasty
- 参考文献 Bibliography
- 索 引 Index
- 后 记 Postscript