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- 書籍詳目頁
- 作者: 鄭寶鴻 (著)
- 學科分類: 史地類
- 書籍分類: 旅遊 ; 區域研究/地理
- 出版社: 商務印書館(香港)有限公司
- 出版地:香港
- 出版日期:2020
- 語文:中英對照
- ISBN/識別號:9789620758539
香港歷史考察之旅:九龍區(Hong Kong History Excursion:Kowloon Peninsula)
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Still reading historical titles or seeing old photos? Why not visit the historical sites by yourself, and trace every bit of Hong Kong history in the real environment?
Hong Kong history expert, Mr. Cheng Po Hung, has himself designed a number of historical guided tours for the Kowloon Peninsula. He has led tours to walk through every route. With rich itinerary that contains numerous interesting historical details of Kowloon Peninsula, the guided tours were highly praised.
This book includes more than 200 historical pictures of the Kowloon Peninsula. Readers can travel through Tsim Sha Tsui, Yau Ma Tei, Mong Kok, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon City, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon Bay, Kwun Tong, as far as Tseung Kwan O districts, comparing the old and the new appearances of these areas.
Still reading historical titles or seeing old photos? Why not visit the historical sites by yourself, and trace every bit of Hong Kong history in the real environment?
Hong Kong history expert, Mr. Cheng Po Hung, has himself designed a number of historical guided tours for the Kowloon Peninsula. He has led tours to walk through every route. With rich itinerary that contains numerous interesting historical details of Kowloon Peninsula, the guided tours were highly praised.
This book includes more than 200 historical pictures of the Kowloon Peninsula. Readers can travel through Tsim Sha Tsui, Yau Ma Tei, Mong Kok, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon City, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon Bay, Kwun Tong, as far as Tseung Kwan O districts, comparing the old and the new appearances of these areas.
- 目錄
- 序 Preface
- 路線一 尖沙咀發展之旅之一 Route 1 Tour on the development of Tsim Sha Tsui I
- 路線二 尖沙咀發展之旅之二 Route 2 Tour on the Development of Tsim Sha Tsui II
- 路線三 油麻地懷舊遊 Route 3 Nostalgic Tour on Yau Ma Tei
- 路線四 旺角及深水埗考察遊 Route 4 Discovery Tour on Mong Kok and Sham Shui Po
- 路線五 紅磡及馬頭圍發展遊 Route 5 Tour on the Development of Hung Hom and Ma Tau Wai
- 路線六 九龍塘及九龍城懷舊遊 Route 6 Nostalgic Tour on Kowloon Tong and Kowloon City
- 路線七 九龍灣、觀塘及將軍澳考察遊 Route 7 Tour on the Development of Kowloon Bay,Kwun Tong and Tseung Kwan O
- 參考資料 Reference
- 鳴謝 Acknowledgement