- 目錄
- 肚片鮑魚湯 Pig-Tripe and Abalone Soup
- 砂鍋魚頭 Fish-head in sandy Pot
- 香菇雞湯 Black Mushroom and Chicken Soup
- 蘿蔔排骨湯 Carrot and Rib Soup
- 蘆筍濃湯 Asparagus Soup
- 蒜頭田雞湯 Garlic and Frog Soup
- 蘑菇魚板湯 Agaricus and Fishchop Soup
- 竹筍雞 Bamboo Shoot Chicken
- 大黃瓜鑲肉湯 Cucmber with Meat Soup
- 佛跳牆 Buddha Against wall
- 蛤蜊絲瓜湯 clam and Luffa Soup
- 青蒜海底雞湯 Green Garlic and Chicken Soup
- 豆腐砂鍋 To-Fu in Sandy Pot
- 虱目魚豆腐湯 Milkfish and To-Fu Soup
- 苦瓜小魚湯 Bitter Gourd and Dried Fish Soup
- 螺肉蒜湯 Spiral Shell with Garlic
- 玉米香菇湯 Corn and Black Mushroon Soup
- 牛肉砂鍋 Beef in Sandy pot
- 芥菜肉片湯 Mustard Plant and Meat Soup
- 海帶豆腐排骨湯 Sea-Weed,To-Fu and Rib Soup
- 芡實牛尾湯 The Fox-Nut and Ox-Tail Soup
- 髮菜豆腐羹 Sea Weed and To-Fu Thicken Soup
- 羅宋湯 Borscht
- 番茄排骨湯 Tomato and Rib Soup
- 四神湯 Four Ingredients Soup
- 美味鮮菇湯 Fresh Mushroom Soup
- 紫菜蛋花湯 Laver and Egg-stirring Soup
- 蘿蔔魚丸湯 carrot and Fish-Ball Soup
- 冬瓜盅 Winter Melon Cup
- 羊肉爐 Lamb Soup
- 味噌湯 Me-Soi Soup
- 蚵仔豆腐湯 Oyster and To-fu Soup
- 蒜頭雞湯 Garlic and chicken Soup
- 鳳爪冬菇湯 Chicken Leg and Black Mushroom Soup
- 木耳金針湯Tree Fungus and Okra Soup
- 菜心雞丸湯 Pickled Vegetable and chicken Ball Soup
- 木瓜花生豬腳湯 Papaya,Peanut and Pig-Leg Soup
- 酸辣湯 Spicy Sour Soup
- 魷魚羹 Cuttlefish Thicken Soup
- 蝦仁羹 Shrimp Thicken Soup
- 竹笙絲瓜湯 Bamboo Shoots and Luffa Soup
- 花瓜雞湯 Pickle and Chicken Soup
- 香菇蛋粉絲湯 Black Mushroom,Egg and Green-Bean Noodles Soup
- 蔬菜貢丸湯 Vegetables and Meat Ball Soup
- 椰菜蟹肉羹 Cauliflower and Crab Thicken Soup
- 砂鍋羊肉 Lamb in Sandy Pot
- 番茄豆芽湯 Tomato and Yellow-Bean Sprout Soup
- 青菜豆腐蛋花湯 Vegetable.To-Fu.and Egg-Stiring Soup
- 白菜滷 Stew Chinese Cabbage
- 西洋菜魚片湯 Celery and Fish sliced Soup
- 黃豆排骨湯 Yellow Bean and Rib Soup
- 冬菜丸子湯 Spiced Cabbage and Meat Ball Soup
- 燒酒雞 Rice Wine Chicken
- 黃豆糙米雞湯 Yellow bean,Unpolished Rice and Chicken Soup
- 牛肉蔬菜湯 Beef and Vegetable Soup
- 番茄肉片湯 Tomato and Meat Soup
- 蛤蜊雞湯 Clam and Chicken Soup
- 冬瓜干貝湯 Winter Melon and Dried Scallop Soup
- 魚翅羹 Shark's Fins Soup
- 絲瓜干貝湯 Luffe and Dried scallop Soup
- 砂鍋獅子頭 Mashed Meat Ball in Sandy Pot
- 酸菜肚片湯 Pickled Vegetable and Pig-Tripe Soup
- 鮮菇筍片湯 Black Mushroom and Bamboo Shoots Soup
- 冬瓜排骨湯 Winter Melon and Rib Soup
- 鮮菇竹笙肉片湯 Fresh Black Mushroom,Bamboo Shoot and Meat Soup
- 蓮藕排骨湯 Lotus Root and Rib Soup
- 冬瓜蛤蜊湯 Winter Melon and Clam Soup
- 青蒜鱸魚湯 Sea Bass and Green Garlic Soup
- 山藥排骨湯 Herb and Rib Soup
- 紅棗蔘鬚雞 Red Jujube and Ginseng Soup
- 菠菜豬肝湯 Spinach and Pig-Liver Soup
- 韭菜豬血湯 Chinese Chives and Pig-Blood Soup
- 苦瓜雞湯 Bitter Gourd and Chicken Soup
- 蘿蔔絲鯽魚湯 Garrot Shredded and Gold Carp Soup
- 金針雞湯 Okra and Chicken Soup
- 絲瓜肉片湯 Luffa and Meat Soup