- 目錄
臉上的「七竅」是相通的 The “seven openings” on the face intercommunicate
笑與不笑的原因 Reasons to laugh and not to laugh
我們一直都是流著淚的 We are always shedding tears
爲什麽眼珠可以自由轉動?Why can eyeballs roll freely?
爲什麽眼睛可以看到東西?Why can eyes see?
眼珠子的構造(一) The structure of eyeballs 1
眼珠子的構造(二) The structure of eyeballs 2
眼珠子的構造(三) The structure of eyeballs 3
焦距不凖的眼睛(近視、遠視) Eyes,out of focus (nearsightedness,farsightedness)
焦距不凖的眼睛(亂視、老花眼) Eyes,out of focus (astigmatism,presbyopia)
有眼睛和沒有眼睛的動物 Animals with and without eyes
爲什麽會有各種顔色的眼珠?Why are there various colored eyeballs?
可以感受紅外線的眼睛 Eyes that can sense infrared rays
靈魂之窗-眼睛 The window of the soul-eyes
爲什麽會打噴嚏?Why do we sneeze?
味道是由鼻毛感受的嗎?Do vibrissae sense the smell?
小狗的嗅覺爲什麽那麽敏銳?Why is a dog's smelling so sharp?
爲什麽耳朵是凸出來的?Why do ears protrude from the head?
爲什麽耳朵可以聽到聲音?Why can ears hear sound?
蛇與青蛙有耳朵嗎?Do snakes and frogs have ears?
老人聽不見高音 Aged people cannot hear a hith pitch
爲什麽爸爸單腳站立不能站很久?Why can't dad stand long with sole foot?
耳朵裡有兩粒小石子 Two tiny rocks in the ear
耳朵裡的三個環狀物 Three ring-like substances in the ear
爲什麽我們旋轉時眼睛要閉起來?Why do we close eyes when spinning?
聲音是從何處發出的?Where does voice come from?
男聲與女聲的差別 Difference between male's and female's voices
低音與高音 low-pitched and high-pitched sounds
聲音可以傳多遠?How far can sound pass?