- 目錄
- 各種種類的神經 Various nerves
- 神經是單行道 Nerve is one-way
- 脊髓是神經的主要路線 Spinal cord is nerve's main Line
- 神經的運作像拔河般 Nerve action is like a tug of war
- 為什麼會肚子餓呢? Why do we feel hungryh
- 為什麼看東西有立體感呢? Why do we see objects three-D?
- 從「看」這個動作到看見了的時間有多久? How long is it from “to see”to “have seen”?
- 一瞬間眼睛看不到 Eyes can't see in an inatant
- 眼睛看不到的商品Invisible objects
- 眼睛會冒金星?See stars?
- 味道從那裡感應的呢?How to Sense a smell?
- 如何感覺味道?How to Sen sea tasle?
- 為什麼會感覺痛呢?Why do we sense pain?
- 感到痛時眼睛會張大Eyes widely open when we have pain
- 蛀牙的疼痛也是神經的疼痛Pain of dental caries is a nerve Pain,too
- 反射神經是什麼?What's a reflex nerve?
- 反射的實驗1 Reflex test1
- 反射的實驗2 Reflex test 2
- 反射的實驗3 Reflex test 3
- 嬰兒的反射Baby's reflex
- 緞鍊神經的捷徑A fast way to train the nerve
- 走路時,是左右腳交替的踏出Walking is two feet Stepping out in turn
- 條件反射是什麼?What's a conditioned reflex?
- 為什麼會暈車?Why do we get carsick?
- 如何預防暈車?How to prevent carsickness?
- 為什麼會臉紅?Why do we blush?
- 自律神經失調症是什麼?What's autonomic nerve imbalance
- 為什麼會有睡眠?Why do we Sleep?
- 人可以幾天不睡覺呢?For how many days can we not sfeep?
- 睡眠的時間需要多少?How many hours of sleepdo we need?
- 為什麼會做夢?Why do We dream?
- 整晚都在做夢嗎?Do we dream all night?
- 做有色彩的夢正常嗎?Is a colorful dream normal?