- 目錄
陽子分為大腸及小腸Intestine include small intestine and large intestine
胃及十二指腸的守門員~幽門The keeper for stomach and duodenum-pylorus
保護內臟的膜層~腹膜The peritoneum protects the internal organs
為什麼叫做十二指陽呢?How does duodenum get its name?
快樂的時候,腸子就會蠕動得很厲害When we are happy,our intestines wriggle very fast
造成盲陽炎的原因The reason for getting appendicitis
陽子長度的比較To compare the length of intestines
陽子裡聚集著許多細菌There are many germs in our intestines
海水浴場充滿了大陽菌A bathing beach is full of colon bacillus
腸子為什麼不會糾結在一起?Why don't intestines get tangled with each other?
各種腸子的疾病All kinds of disease intestines get
肝臟的功能The function of the liver
肝臟是僅次於腦的第二重要器官Liver is the Secondary Vital organ of the body
肝臟具有很強的忍耐力Liver can put up with a lot of strength
喜歡喝酒的人要特別注意肝臟的健康An alcoholic must especially Watch out for his liver
胰臟的功能The function of the pancreas
胰臟裡面有小島分布There are islets in our pancreas
當小便中帶有甜味的時候When there is sweet taste in urine
胰臟究竟有多大呢?How big is our pancreas?
「膽量」是膽囊所產生的嗎?Does our gall bladder bring up our “courage” ?
膽囊的形狀像一個茄子The shape of a gall bladder is like an eggplant
膽汁的功能The function of bile
食物與卡路里Food and Calories
脂肪是能量的來源Fat is the source of our strength
營養素的主要功能The main function of nutrition
不吃早餐會更加肥胖?Will one get fatter without having breakfast?
成長發育時的食慾會增加1.5倍When growing up, our appetite increases 1.5 times
吃飽飯後要稍加休息After meal one should rest a bit
吃素真的比較好嗎?Is it really better to be a vegetarian?
為什麼不能吃的太多?Why can one not eat too much once?
排泄的構造The structure of excretory organs
大便顏色的秘密The Secret of the feces' color
大便漂浮於水面,表示髏力不足Floating feces means lack of physical strength
一天的排便量有多少呢?What is the quantity of excrement in a day?
便秘真是痛苦Constipation is really a painful thing
什麼是下痢What is diarrhea?