- 目錄
- 鼻子是空氣的入口 The nose is the air entry
- 鼻毛變長了! The vibrissae got longer
- 喉嚨是空氣和食物的岔道 The throat crossroad of air and food
- 咳嗽、打噴嚏都是呼吸的一種 Respiration includes Coughs and sneezes
- 咳嗽時的速度約一馬赫(音波計算單位) The speed of a cough is about Mach 1
- 感冒為什麼會咳嗽? Why do we cough when having a cold?
- 打隔是呼吸不順暢的一種 Hiccup is a kind of unsmoofh breath
- 戴口罩到底有沒有用呢? Does wearing a mouth-muffle work?
- 並不是只有感冒才會引起咳嗽 A cold is not the only cause for a cough
- 打鼾的人與不打鼾的人 People that snore and not snore
- 呼吸道由螺旋彈簧體守衛著 Tracheal cartilages protect the respiratory tract
- 痰、灰塵、細菌掉進去了! Phlegm, dusts and germs fall into it!
- 肺是葡萄串成的集合 The lungs are bunches of grapes
- 肺是氧氣的補給站 The lungs supply oxygen
- 肺是怎樣運作的? How do the lungs work?
- 吸入的空氣與呼出的空氣不同 Inhale and exhaled air is different
- 肺泡內緣的表面積有27個塌榻米大小 Inner surface of alveolus is as big as 27 tatamis
- 遇到毒氣時,有逃脫的時問嗎? Is there enough time to escape from toxic gas?
- 人類可以吸進多少空氣? HOW much air Can human inhale?
- 即使是睡覺的時候,呼吸仍繼續著 Human keeps breathing during sleep
- 肺活量可以增加嗎? Can lung capacity be increased?
- 人為什麼會打哈欠呢? why do people yawn?
- 肺是非常敏感的 The lungs are very sensitive
- 動物是怎樣呼吸的? HOW do animals breathe?
- 心臟長得就像個心形 The heart is heart-shaped
- 心臟是不能停止的 We can't Stop heartbeats
- 洗澡時,心臟以最快的速度在運作 A human's heart acts the fastsot in a bath
- 如果,心跳停止了 If the heartbeat stops
- 模一摸心跳的感覺 Feel the heartbeat
- 心跳為什麼會不正常、不規則? Why is the heart rate abnormal?
- 多做運動,心臟會更強壯 Exercise makes the heart stronger