- 目錄
- 人種的平均身高 Human's average height
- 嬰兒的身高 Infant's height
- 脊椎動物與脊椎動物 Vertebrate and invertebrate
- 如果沒有骨頭的話 If no bones
- 骨頭是活的 Bones are live
- 骨頭的壽命很短 Bone has short age
- 骨頭是造血的工廠 Bone is a blood-making factory
- 噬骨頭的細胞 Osteoclast
- 如果鈣質不夠的話 if in short of calcium
- 使身體長高的骨頭 Bone that develops body height
- 如何增高? How to increase height?
- 爲什麽年紀大了會駝背? Why are people hunchbacked when aged?
- 爲什麽睡了一晚以後身高會變高呢?Why the height increases over night?
- 腰爲什麽扭到?Why is waist sprained?
- 關節扭傷到底是怎麽回事?What actually is joint sprain?
- 肌肉的運動 Muscle activity
- 皮膚由三層組織構成 Skin is formed by three layers of tissue
- 表皮和真皮Epidermis and dermis
- 「雞皮疙瘩」形成的原因 Causes of goose pimples
- 天熱時爲什麽會流汗? Why sweating in hot days?
- 汚垢的形成並不會使皮膚變薄 Dirt will not make skin thinner
- 我們是如何感愛痛、冷、熱的呢?How do we sense pain,cold and hot?
- 肌肉有三種(一) Three types of muscle
- 肌肉有三種(二) Three types of muscle
- 大塊肌肉與小塊肌肉 Big muscle and small muscle
- 脂肪是怎樣來的? What makes fat?
- 脂肪是維持體溫的暖爐 Fat is the heater for keeping body temperature
- 鍛練身體,肌肉會變得更結實 Body training makes muscle firm