- 目錄
- 牙齒是身體中最堅硬的部分 Teeth are the most solid part of the body
- 前齒及後齒的功能 The functions of the front teeth and the molars
- 為什麽小孩子的牙齒會更換呢?Why do chidren have permanent teeth?
- 暴牙是否真的是一種毛病?Is a snaggletooth a real trouble?
- 造成蛀牙的元凶是認?What is the cause of a decayed tooth?
- 人類牙齒的力量有多大?What is the physical strength of the human teeth?
- 人類的牙齒正在漸漸減少! Human teeth are decreasing
- 醫生有時會看舌頭來診斷病情 A doctor can diagnose a patient's condition by looking at his tongue
- 什麽叫做「味蕾」?What is a taste bud?
- 味道會隨溫度改變而有所差異 A flavor can be different when the temperature changes
- 為什麽吃咖哩會覺得熱?Why do we feel hot when eating curry?
- 一般的生物也能分辨出味道 Even a general creature can differentiate tastes
- 人類每天所分泌的唾液約有一公升 Human secretes about one liter of saliva each day
- 為什麽吃東西要充分咀嚼比較好?Why is it better to chew adequately?
- 倒立時,食物也能夠吞進去嗎?Is one able to swallow hanging up side down?
- 食道的樣子 The appearance of the esophagus
- 如果喉嚨被東西哽住了 If the throat is choded by something
- 胃部裡面是怎樣的情形?What is happening in the stomach?
- 胃的力量會隨著情況而有所改變 The strength of the stomach varies
- 胃甚至邊金屬都能溶解 A stomach can dissolve things as hard as metal
- 胃到底能夠裝下多少東西?How much can a stomach be filled up?
- 胃是人體的攪拌機 Stomach is the mixer of our body
- 空腹與吃飽時,胃的分泌量會有所不同 The amount of gastric juice secretion depends on how full the stomach is
- 為什麽胃自己本身不會被溶化? Why doesn't a stomach melt itself?
- 我們的肚子為什麽會叫呢?Why does our stomach make sound?
- 若把胃切除仍會有食慾嗎?If we cut off our stomach,will we still have desire for food?
- 失去了胃還能活下去嗎?Can one live without a stomach?
- 為什麽吃飽後會打嗝?Why does one have hiccups when the stomach is full?
- 為什麽會嘔吐?Why does one vomit?
- 喝酒可以比喝水還多嗎?Can one drind more alcoholic drinks than water?
- 造成食物中毒的原因是什麽?What is the cause of food poisoning?
- 為什麽吃藥時要配茶比較好?Why is it better not to take tea with medicine?
- 各種不同類型的胃病 All different types of gastric diseases