- 目錄
- 推鷹序Recommendation
- 序言一一歡喜來吃素Preface-Eating Vegetarian with A Delightful Heart
- 冷盤迷人的美味由來The Origins of Charming Cold Delicious Dishes
- 素食材料介紹An Introduction to Vegetarian Ingredients
- 五彩卷Five-Color Rolls
- 涼拌苦瓜Cold Bitter Melon
- 香菇金卷Golden Shiitake Mushrooms
- 乳酪絲拌貢菜Mountain Jelly Greens with Shredded Cheese
- 撒子首芽卷Alfalfa Sprout Rolls
- 酥炸響鈴Deep-Fried Crisp Tofu Triangles
- 口齒留香Steamed Potato-Filled Pomegranate
- 起士炸餃Deep-Fried Cheese Dumplings
- 南瓜絲絲Cold Pumpkin
- 黑味噌淋山藥Dark Miso Over Yam
- 威化山藥. Yam Waffle Rolls
- 腐香黑米卷Tofu Rolls Stuffed with Purple Rice
- 五穀餅首芽卷Mixed Groin Rolls with Alfalfa Sprout
- 五香素腰片Five -Spice Vegetarian Kidney Slices
- 粒粒愛心Potato-Stuffed Tomatoes with Peas
- 蕉香利吉Deep- Fried Banana
- 百年好合Steamed Lily Balls
- 脆香牛蒡Deep-Fried Burdock Slices with Maltose
- 香酥猴菇Crispy Monkey Head Mushrooms
- 心心相連Vegetarian Meal Ball Skew
- 倦筒吉祥Deep- Fried Nori Rolls with Tofu
- 人參碧玉卷Lily Stem-Filled Carrot Rolls
- 翡翠卷Spinach Rolls
- 酥脆蘆節Crispy Asparagus
- 片片吉祥Vegetarian Sashimi with Wasabi
- 黃瓜素卷Cucumber Rolls
- 甜椒釀泥Stuffed Bell Pepper
- 牛蒡火腿卷Burdock with Ham Rolls
- 叉燒素肉Vegetarian Barbecue Pork
- 香蕉美卷Banana Rolls
- 美味素鵝Deluxe Vegetarian Rolls
- 碧綠春曉Loofah Rolls with Vegetarian Ham and Bell Peppers
- 美味素雞Vegetarian Mock Chicken
- 珊瑚菇拌蘋果Coral Mushrooms with Apple
- 紅燒珍凍Red-Coo ked Vegetarian Lamb Jelly
- 法華髮卷Deep-Fried Moss-Filled Spring Rolls
- 三絲拌素翅Three Shreds Vegetarian Fins
- 法喜圓球Enlightened Stuffed Water Chestnut Bolls
- 千層筍片Thousand Layered Bamboo Shoot
- 黃茸拌龍珠果Yellow Brain Fungus with Pitahaya
- 蜜汁火腿Stuffed Bread with Vegetarian Ham in Osmanthus Sauce
- 素燒鰻 Deep-Fried Vegetarian Eel
- 梨盅松片Pear with Hansong Mushroom
- 五味豆腐Five-Flavored Tofu
- 翡翠脆皮球Potato Balls with Kiwi Sauce
- 鍋貼魚片Deep-Fried Bread with Vegetarian Ham and Medlar
- 金茸飄香Golden Needle Mushrooms in Sweet Bean Sauce
- 酥炸雞塊. Deep-Fried Mock: Chicken
- 馬鈴薯餅Potato Pancakes
- 粒粒珍品Tofu Moss Bolls with Gravy
- 蓮花果粒Tomato Lotus with Bell Pepper and AIoe
- 威化芒果條Deep-Fried Mongo in Waffle Paper
- 美卷三色Three Color Rolls
- 高麗菜卷Cabbage Rolls with Gravy
- 芥末淮山泥Moshed Chinese Yam with Wasabi
- 東坡方塊Vegetarian Ton-Po Square
- 蘆筍竹笙Bamboo Fungus Stuffed with Asparagus
- 脆皮芋球Taro Balls with Crispy Bread Skin
- 椒鹽飽菇Peppersalt Abalone Mushrooms
- 桂霜豆腐Osmanthus-Flavored Tofu