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- 書籍詳目頁
- 作者: 林淑蓮 (著)
- 學科分類: 應用科學類
- 書籍分類: 食譜
- 出版社: 漢湘文化事業股份有限公司
- 出版地:臺灣
- 出版日期:2006
- 語文:繁體中文
- ISBN/識別號:9867229444
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- 目錄
- 什錦小火鍋/Sha-Bu Sha-Bu
- 辣醬炒臭豆腐/Stir-fried Fermented Bean Curd with Chili Sauce
- 蒜香干貝Scallops wth Garlic
- 青菜豆腐湯/Vegetable and Tofu Soup
- 蠔油雞翅/Chicken Wing with Oyster Sauce
- 彩蔬炒肉末/Stir-fried Ground Pork with Vegetable
- 冬瓜蛤蜊湯/Clam with Winter Melon Soup
- 菜脯蛋/Stir-fried Egg with Dried Carrot
- 蔭豉蒸肉/Steamed Pork with Fermented Beans
- 鳳爪香菇湯/Chicken Claw with Black Mushrooms Soup
- 番茄炒蛋/Stir-Fried Egg with Tomato
- 蔥爆牛肉/Stir-Fried Beef with Scallion
- 排骨蘿蔔湯/Ribs and White Carrot Soup
- 咖哩雞/Curry Chicken
- 青江菜炒豆包/Stir-fried Chinese Chard with Fried Bean Package
- 西湖雞肉羹/Chicken Thick Soup
- 翠綠蝦球/Fried Shrimp with Green
- 菜心獅子頭/Ground Pork Ball with Green
- 番茄豆芽湯/Tomato and Bean Sprouts Soup
- 青椒肉絲/Shredded Pork and Green Pepper
- 蛤蜊絲瓜/Clam and Sponge Gourd
- 竹笙雞湯/Bamboo Fungus Chicken Broth
- 洋蔥炒肉絲/Stir-fried Shredded Pork with Onion
- 辣炒海瓜子/Stir-fry Clams with Hot Chili
- 莧菜豆腐羹/Tofu with Amaranth Thick Soup
- 醉雞翅/Chicken Wing with Wine
- 箭筍炒肉絲/Stir-fried Shredded Pork with Bamboo Shoots
- 魷魚羹/Squid Thick Soup
- 肉丸燴玉米/Steamed Pork Ball with Corn
- 高麗炒培根/Stir-fried Cabbage with Bacon
- 青蒜虱目魚湯/Milkfish with Leek soup
- 蘆筍炒肉絲/Stir-fried Shredded Pork with Asparagus
- 紅燒油豆腐鑲肉/Stewed Stuffed Ground Pork with Tofu
- 魚片湯/Sliced Fish Soup
- 西芹炒雞片/Stir-fried Chicken Filet with Celeriac
- 家常豆腐/Stir-fried To-fu
- 鮮菇湯/Fresh Mushroom Soup
- 芋香炒肉丁/Stir-fried Chicken and Taro
- 豆瓣魚/Mouthbreeder with Bean Paste
- 玉米濃湯/Corn Soup
- 香煎鮭魚/Fried Salmon filet
- 芹菜炒豆干肉絲/Stir-fried Shredded Pork with Celery
- 榨菜肉絲湯/Shredded Pork with Preserved Mustard
- 沙茶炒鮮貝/Stir-fried Scallops with BBQ Sauce
- 豉汁排骨/Ribs with Fermented Beans
- 麻油雞/Stewed Chicken with Black Sesame Oil
- 桂竹肉片/Stir-fry Pork Filet with Bamboo Shoots
- 白菜滷/Stewed Napa cabbage
- 冬瓜干貝湯/Scallop and Winter Melon Soup
- 酥炸豬排/Deep-fry Pork Chop
- 蛋炒紅蘿蔔絲/Stir-fried Egg and Shredded Radish
- 味噌湯/Miso Soup
- 香菇鑲肉/Stuffed Pork with Black Mushrooms
- 辣炒螺肉/Stir-fried Spiral Shell with Chili
- 木耳金針湯/Woodear and Dry Lily Flower Soup
- 芥蘭麵筋/Stir-fried Kale with Fried Gluten
- 蔥油雞腿/Chicken Leg with Scallion Oi1
- 餛飩湯/Stuffed Dumpling Soup
- 毛豆蝦仁/Shrimp and Green Soybean
- 紅燒肉/Stewed Pork
- 蚵仔肉羹湯/Oyster and Ground Pork Thick Soup
- 醬淋白北(魚)/Sweet & Sour Fish
- 芥菜干貝/Scallops and Mustard Plant
- 肉丸湯/Meat Ball Soup
- 鹹蛋煸苦瓜/Stir-fried Bitter Melon with Salty Egg
- 三杯雞/Stir-fried Chicken with Three Kinds of Favor
- 香菇芋角湯/Taro and Black Mushroom Soup
- 蔥爆甜不辣/Stir-fried Fried Paste
- 涼拌豆干雞絲/Shredded Chicken and Dried Bean Curd
- 三絲貢丸湯/Meat Ball Soup with Three ingredients
- 糖醋雞片/Chicken Filet with Sweet and Sour Sauce
- 蠔油生菜/Lettuce with Oyster Sauce
- 香菇蛋湯/Stired Egg and Black Mushroom Soup
- 涼拌水果雞絲/Shredded Chicken with Fruit
- 雙椒牛肉絲/Shredded Beef with Green and Red Pepper
- 苦瓜排骨湯/Ribs and Bitter Melon Soup
- 魚香肉絲/Stir-fried Shredded Pork
- 西芹炒魷魚/Stir-fried Squid with Celeriac
- 大黃瓜鑲肉湯/Stuffed Pork Soup
- 魚香茄子/Pork with Eggplant
- 炒三蔬/Stir-fried Three Kinds of Vegetables
- 海帶芽蛋花湯/Seaweed Sprouts and Stirrd Egg Soup
- 四季豆炒肉片/Stir-fried Chicken Filet with string Bean
- 清蒸魚/Steamed Fresh Fish
- 白菜腐皮湯/Napa Cabbage and Tofu Skin Soup
- 韭菜肉絲/Chinese Chives and Shredded Pork
- 魩仔魚煎蛋/Egg with Sliver Fish