- 目錄
- 愚人一課 A Lesson for Fools
- 為時已晚 A Lesson Learnt Too Late
- 老天有眼 The Reward of the Wicked
- 感恩圖報 Repayment in Kind
- 妄自尊大 The Jackdaw Who Would Be an Eagle
- 兩邊不討好的穴鳥 Getting the Worst of Both Worlds
- 打種臉充胖子 Borrowed Plumes
- 惜取眼前福 A Bird in the Hand
- 言而無信 Breach of Promise
- 驕者必敗 The Victor Vanquished
- 立場不同 A Different Point of View
- 防不勝防 Misplaced Confidence
- 但求自保 The Law of Self-Preservation
- 三思而行 Look Before You Leap
- 製造麻煩 Born to Trouble
- 叛徒的下場 Traitor's Death
- 所愛非人 Cherishing a Viper
- 耐心等待 A Case for Patience
- 是敵非友 Friend or Foe ?
- 酸葡萄心理 Sour Grapes
- 事實勝於雄辯 Actions Speak Louder than Words
- 截人之長,補給之短! Cut Off Your Tails to Save My Face !
- 狐狸與面具 The Fox and the Mask
- 有去無回 one-Way Traffic
- 不勞而獲 Reaping Without Sowing
- 記取教訓 Taught by Experience
- 道高一尺,魔高一丈 The Fox Out-Foxed
- 重質不重量 It Is Quality Not Quantity That Counts
- 繳械 Disarmed
- 鷸蚌相爭,漁翁得利 Third-Party Profit
- 二鳥在林,不如一鳥在手 A Bird in the Hand
- 最大贏家 The Lion's Share
- 難兄難弟 A Companion in Fear
- 失勢者 The Mighty Fallen
- 差別待遇 A Respecter of Persons
- 害人反害己 A Plotter Out-Plotted
- 背叛的代價 The Wages of Treachery
- 欲加之罪 Always in the Wrong
- 以怨報德 Kindness Requited
- 半斤八兩 The Pot Calls the Kettle Black
- 言行不一 A Communist Dictator
- 假象 Delusion
- 批上羊皮的狼 A Case of Mistaken Identity
- 謹守本分 Every Man to His Own Trade
- 有備無患 Forewarned Is Forearmed
- 養而不教 Eating the Bread of Idleness
- 順水人情 Reckoning Without His Host
- 以偏概全 Things Are Not Always What They Seem
- 貪得無厭 Substance and Shadow
- 自曝其短 Lost to Shame
- 事不關己 Not Interested
- 談判籌碼 Negotiating from Weakness
- 重新思量 Second Thoughts
- 言而有信 As Good as His Word
- 驕兵必敗 Pride Will Have a Fall
- 家鼠與田鼠 Town Mouse and Count Mouse
- 龜兔賽跑 Slow but Sure
- 上一次當,學一次乖 Twice ShyOnce Bitten
- 忠言逆耳 A Waste of Good Counsel
- 求智若渴 Fools Die for Want of Wisdom
- 死無對證 Dead Men Tell No Tales
- 雙重殘疾 Doubly Disabled
- 模仿天性 The Imitative Instinct
- 自作聰明 A Clumsy Liar
- 慎思而行 Look Before You Leap
- 礪兵以待 Ready for Action
- 獨眼鹿 Caught on the Blind Side
- 怯懦天性 A Breed of Faint-Hearts
- 自食惡果 The Punishment of Selfishness
- 居安思危 Save Us in the Time of Trouble
- 得不償失 A Bad Bargain
- 畏強懼弱 The Patience of Fear
- 物以類聚 Birds of a Feather
- 得與失 Counting the Cost
- 聰明反被聰明誤 Too Clever by Half
- 自命不凡 Asinine Pride
- 披著獅皮的驢(l) An Ass in a Lion's Skin (l)
- 披著獅皮的驢(2) An Ass in a Lion's Skin (2)
- 自知知明 Know Your Limitations
- 如願以償 We Get the Rulers We Deserve
- 一個就夠 One 15 Enough
- 光說不練 A Voice and Nothing More
- 罪有應得 Making the Punishment Fit the Crime
- 不自量力 Too Big for Her Skin
- 血海深仇 A Blood Feud
- 恩將仇報 Evil for Good
- 包藏禍心 Cursed Above All Cattle
- 最佳防禦法 The Best Method of Defence
- 同歸餘盡 Vengeance at any Price
- 人與獅子 Men and Lions
- 認敵為友 Misplaced Confidence
- 天生惡人 Born Plunderers
- 望朽木成美器 Try to Make a Silk Purse Out of a Sow's Ear
- 喜新厭舊 Friends Old and New
- 技藝不精的工人 A Bad Workman
- 自身難保 A Prophet without Knowledge
- 玉不琢不成器 Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child
- 天助自助者 God Helps Those Who Help Themselves
- 葡萄園裡的寶藏 Treasure Trove
- 團結就是力量 Unity Is Strength
- 患難之交 A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed
- 平均分享 Share and Share Alike
- 貪多必失 Much Wants More
- 守財奴 Where Your Treasure Is There Will Your Heart Be Also
- 眼見為憑 Seeing Is Believing
- 拔個精光 Plucked Clean
- 弄巧成拙 Out of the Frying-Pan into the Fire
- 興之所致 Business First
- 一燕不成夏 One Swallow Dose Not Make a Summer
- 命中注定 Fate
- 責備非時 An Unseasonable Reproof
- 習以為常 Use Is Everything
- 放羊的孩子 Crying Wolf Too Often
- 禿子哲學 A Philosophic Baldpate
- 漏網之魚 Big and Little Fish
- 混水模魚 Fishing in Troubled Waters
- 少見多怪 Familiarity Breeds Contempt
- 自欺欺人 Self-Deception
- 狗眼看人低 Despise Not a Feeble Folk
- 身教勝於言教 Example Is Better than Precept
- 前車之鑑 Proof Positive
- 太歲頭上動土 Bearding the Lion
- 無足輕重 Beneath Notice
- 本性難移 Why the Ant Is a Thief
- 未雨綢繆(l) Go to the Ant Thou Sluggard (l)
- 未雨綢繆(2) Go to the Ant Thou sluggard (2)
- 量力而行 Bowing Before the Storm
- 長命花 A Fabled Flower that Fades Not
- 怨天尤人 Who Art Thou that Judgest ?
- 吹毛求疵 Room for Improvement
- 誠實為上 Honesty Is the Best Policy
- 人錯與己過 Mote and Beam
- 吸血鬼 Blood-Suckers
- 勸說藝術 The Gentle Art of Persuasion
- 春天和冬天 Springtime and Winter
- 潔身自好 Easily Remedied