- 目錄
- 1 You Can Have Mine
- 1 您吃我的吧
- 2 Jesus’ Telly
- 2 耶穌的電視機
- 3 I Don’t Blame’ the Angles
- 3 我不怪天使
- 4 Bedtime Prayers
- 4 睡前禱告詞
- 5 Regret
- 6 New Brother’s Name
- 7 A Birthday Present
- 8 Imitation
- 8 模仿
- 9 Only Play on the Black Notes
- 10 A Thank-you Letter
- 11 Wedding
- 11 婚禮
- 12 Haven’t Drunk
- 12 還沒喝完
- 13 I Taught the Teacher
- 13 我教老師
- 14 Who Is the Laziest?
- 14 誰最懶?
- 15 Beck’ History Examination
- 15 貝克的歷史考試
- 16 Drunk
- 16 喝醉酒
- 17 The Result of a Promise
- 18 To Learn French
- 19 A Good Boy
- 19 好孩子
- 20 I Have His Ear in My Pocket
- 20 他的耳朵在我口袋裡
- 21 Boxing and Running
- 21 拳擊和賽跑
- 22 It’s Not My Fault
- 22 不要怪我
- 23 Fire! Fire!
- 23 失火了!失火了!
- 24 Get Me a Video
- 24 給我弄一台錄影機
- 25 The Dentist’s Explanations
- 25 牙醫師的解釋
- 26 To Give Up Smoking
- 26 戒煙
- 27 Rabies
- 27 狂犬病
- 28 Suicide
- 29 My First Operation
- 30 That’s Where It’s Gone
- 30 原來它在那裡
- 31 Lost Memory
- 31 健忘症
- 32 The Fat Man
- 32 胖子
- 33 To Ask for Leave
- 33 請假
- 34 Communication in Writing
- 34 書面聯繋
- 35 The Clerk Grows a Beard
- 35 職員留鬍子
- 36 The Farmhand and the Landlord
- 36 長工與地主
- 37 Start you Vacation
- 37 開始休假
- 38 A Clever Answer
- 38 聰明的回答
- 39 To Ask for Permission
- 39 徵得同意
- 40 Truthfulness
- 40 誠實
- 41 Are Those Flowers Nice?
- 41 花漂亮嗎?
- 42 The Crowd
- 43 一群人
- 43 I Don’t Want to Lose My Way
- 43 我怕迷路
- 44 To Get Home Before an Accident
- 44 在出事前趕回家
- 45 The Judge Who Had a Squint
- 45 斜眼法官
- 46 Flying Too Low
- 46 飛得太低了
- 47 I’m Not Daft
- 47 我不傻
- 48 A Maths Professor
- 48 數學教授
- 49 Mark Twain and the Barber
- 49 馬克•吐溫與理髮師
- 50 Einstein and Charlie Chaplin
- 50 愛因斯坦與卓別林
- 51 My Father Isn’t as Rich as His
- 51 我爸爸不像他爸爸一樣有錢
- 52 Mark Twain’s Absent Mindedness
- 52 心不在焉的馬克•吐溫
- 53 Nobody Listens
- 53 誰也不聽我的
- 54 Five Languages
- 54 五種語言
- 55 The Good News and the Bad News
- 55 好消息和壞消息
- 56 Nothing
- 56 沒什麽
- 57 The Morbid Business
- 57 可怕的差事
- 58 What Should He Do?
- 58 他該怎麽辦?
- 59 Too Much
- 59 太多了
- 60 you Look Perfectly Fit’ to Me
- 60 我看你還很健壯嘛!
- 61 The Anglican Minister and the Taxi-Driver
- 61 牧師和計程車司機
- 62 Mixed Up
- 62 搞混了
- 63 A Compassionate Heart
- 63 同情心
- 64 Mr. Exact
- 64 「天才」先生
- 65 An Awkward Situation
- 65 尷尬的處境
- 66 A Check for Fifteen Dollars
- 66 一張十五美元的支票
- 67 Saving Coal
- 67 省煤炭
- 68 I Make Everybody Happy
- 68 我讓每一個人都愉快
- 69 A Witty’ Farmer
- 69 機智的農夫
- 70 Charles Makes a Complete Apology
- 70查爾斯的道歉
- 71 The Clever Parrot
- 71 聰明的鸚鵡
- 72 The Artist and the Farmer
- 72 畫家與農夫
- 73 Patience
- 73 耐心
- 74 Nothing to Nothing
- 74 零比零
- 75 Half Mad
- 75半瘋
- 76 The Dances Are Short
- 76 舞曲很短
- 77 The Banker and the Artist
- 77 銀行家和畫家
- 78 Five Months Older
- 78 大五個月
- 79 Saving Face
- 79 顧全面子
- 80 Wearing the Wrong Boots
- 80 穿錯了鞋
- 81 I’ll Take Two
- 81 我要兩本
- 82 The Loss Outweighs the Gain
- 82 得不償失
- 83 What to Do With the Other Leg?
- 83 另一條腿怎麼辦?
- 84 The Secret of His Success
- 84 他成功的祕訣
- 85 Avoiding Temptation
- 85 迴避誘惑
- 86 Closed on Wednesdays
- 86 星期三休息
- 87 I’m Not Interested
- 87 我不感興趣
- 88 Imagination
- 88 想像
- 89 The Damn Doors
- 89 該死的車門
- 90 Seeing the Light
- 90 見到光明
- 91 Two Tunnels
- 91 兩條隧道
- 92 Psychology
- 92 心理學
- 93 Queue-Jump
- 93 插隊
- 94 What a Beach!
- 94 多寬闊的沙灘!
- 95 To Save Gas
- 95 省油
- 96 Divulging the Secret
- 96 透露祕密
- 97 Trapped
- 97 落入圈套
- 98 A Boy or a Girl?
- 98 男孩還是女孩?
- 99 I Stopped the Car
- 99 是我把車停住了
- 100 To Make the Old Happy
- 100 使老人高興
- 101 Contribution
- 101 貢獻
- 102 Throw Him a Bit
- 102 扔牠一點
- 103 To Fetch the Umbrella
- 103 拿傘
- 104 Well-Mannered
- 104 非常有禮貌
- 105 I Forgot to Shake the Bottle
- 105 忘了先搖一搖
- 106 I Can’t Swim
- 106 我不會游泳
- 107 I’m not Swimming
- 107 我不是游泳
- 108 Lucky
- 108 幸運
- 109 Modern Art
- 109 現代藝術
- 110 I’ll See to the Rest
- 110 剩下的我來處理
- 111 We Didn’t Meet Any
- 111 一隻也沒碰到
- 112 Call Again
- 112 下次再來
- 113 A Secret
- 113 保密
- 114 Why Not Build the City in the Country?
- 114 為什麼不把城市建在鄉村
- 115 I Want to See When I'm Asleep
- 115 我想看我睡覺的樣子
- 116 Contradicting Each Other
- 116 互相反駁
- 117 Foolish or Not
- 117 傻不傻
- 118 To Be on the Safe Side
- 118 爲了保險起見
- 119 What Is Happiness?
- 119 什麼是幸福?