- 目錄
江河歲月深 何恭上
金魚•錦鯉基本技法(一):個體 Basic Techniques I:Individal Fish
絨球魚 Pompon Goldfish
水泡眼 Bubble-eye goldfish
東錦魚 Colico Oranda
紅白花虎頭 Red and white tiger-head
鶴頂紅 White Oranda With Red Cap
壽星公 Red Goose-Lead
五花文魚 Calico Wen-yu
龍種珠鱗 Dragon-eye With Pearl-scale
紅白龍睛 Red and White Dragon-eye
紅黑龍睛 Red and Black Dragon-eye
紅白錦鯉 Red and White Golden Carp
鯉魚 Common Carp
烏鯉 Karasu Gol
三色錦鯉(東錦鯉) Shiro Bekko
金魚 • 錦鯉基本技法(二):組合 Basic Techniques II: Composition
蕉影藏魚 Fish Under the Banana Shade
傾訴 Whispers
竹深留客處 Linger a While
寒潭儷影 Love at Han Pool
珠鱗逐月 Pearl-scales and Morning Glory
芭蕉樹下好乘涼 Resting Under Banana Shade
翠條拂鯉 Willow and Carps
水晶宮掛紫羅幃 Wisteria and Golden Carps
落花流水共徘徊 Fallen Petals and Carps
水草寫法 How to Draw Common Water Plants
浮萍寫法 How to Draw Duckweeds
金魚構圖法:兩魚 Composition of Goldfish Painting:Twin Goldfish
金魚構圖法:三魚 Composition of Goldfish Painting:Three Goldfishes
鯉魚構圖法:三魚 Composition of Carp Painting:Three Carps
鯉魚構圖法:群魚 Composition of Carp Painting: Group
金魚•錦鯉作品欣賞 Through the Eyes of Lin Wukuei
赤鱗波接綠柳烟 Verses about Goldfish & Golden Carps
金魚•錦鯉題畫詩 林湖奎輯