- 目錄
- 序 山水畫譜 馬國權
- 山水畫稿 前言 魏紫熙
- Preface
- Chinese landscape Painting Manual
- 山石起手法Starting to Paint a Rock
- 各種石塊畫法Different Rocks
- 橫紋石畫法Rock with Horizontal Fissures
- 大小相間法A Group of Large and Small Rocks
- 山頭交錯拖泥帶水法Dragged Strokes for Mountain Tops
- 沙浦畫法Sand Slopes
- 危峯樷立畫法A Towering Peak
- 石筍矗立畫法Stalagmite
- 山巒山雲法Peaks Surrounded By Clouds
- 群峯叠翠畫法Peaks Rising after Peaks
- 山腰聚石畫法Strange Peak Rising Out of the Clouds
- 奇石淩雲畫法Rocks on the Shoulder of the Hill
- 崖腳畫法Foot of a Cliff
- 朝霞央照畫法Mountains Surrounded by the Evening Clouds
- 山頭點苔書法之一Moss Dots On the Mountains-Ⅰ
- 山頭點苔書法之二Moss Dots On the Mountains-Ⅱ
- 山頭點苔書法之三Moss Dots On the Mountains-Ⅲ
- 奇石出岫畫法Moss Dots on the Mountains-Ⅳ
- 石岩疊泉法Folds of Waterfall
- 山溪畫法A Stream in the Mountains
- 山腳水口畫法Waterfall at the Foot of a Mountain
- 勾線瀑布畫法Waterfall with Outlines
- 懸崖瀑布畫法Waterfall Between Cliffs
- 石壁飛泉畫法Waterfall Cascading from the Stone Cliffs
- 畫樹起手法Starting to Paint a Tree
- 各種樹枝畫法Branches
- 潑墨樹幹畫法Painting the Trunk with Splashed Ink
- 老樹婆婆Old Tree
- 石木蒼苔畫法Old Trees with Moss
- 盤根出枝畫法Tree Growing in the Crevasse of Rock
- 破筆點樹法Dotting Trees with a Split Brush
- 濃蔭Thick Shade of Leaves
- 柳樹畫法之一Willows-Ⅰ
- 柳樹畫法之二Wollows-Ⅱ
- 春芽初放畫法A Budding Tree
- 小竹畫法Young Bamboos
- 新松畫法Young Pines
- 松枝及老幹畫法Old Pines
- 松針畫法之一Pine Needles-Ⅰ
- 松針畫法之二Pine Needles-Ⅱ
- 松針畫法之三Pine Needles-Ⅲ
- 松針畫法之四Pine Needles-Ⅳ
- 松樹的各種姿態Pines in Different Poses
- 粗筆點松林Thick Dots for the Pine Needles
- 遠近松樹畫法Pines in Different Distances
- 杉樹畫法之一The Fir-Ⅰ
- 杉樹畫法之二The Fir-Ⅱ
- 叢林畫法A Forest
- 古柏畫法之一An Old Cypress Tree-Ⅰ
- 古柏畫法之二An Old Cypress Tree-Ⅱ
- 古森繞藤畫法Old Tree Surrounded By Vine
- 秋林畫法Autumn Froest
- 雜樹畫法Different Specles of Trees
- 枝柯交錯畫法Entangling Trees
- 榕樹畫法之一The Banyan Tree-Ⅰ
- 榕樹畫法之二The Banyan Tree-Ⅱ
- 長白松林A Forest in the Ch'ang-pai Mountains
- 林木森森A Forest in The Hsing-an Mountains
- 桃、李、梅畫法之一The Peach and the Plum Trees-Ⅰ
- 桃、李、梅畫法之二The Peach and the Plum Trees-Ⅱ
- 梨花和杏花畫法之一The Pear and the Apricot Blossoms-Ⅰ
- 梨花和杏花畫法之二The Pear and the Apricot Blossoms-Ⅱ
- 各種亭子畫法Pavilions
- 水榭畫法The Water Pavilion
- 山亭畫法Pavilions in Mountains
- 黃山白龍橋The White Dragon Bridge on Mt.Huang
- 房屋村舍畫法Houses and Huts
- 山村小景畫法A Mountain Village
- 臨江瓦屋畫法Brick Houses Along a River
- 水鄉房舍畫法A Water Village
- 帆船各式畫法Boats
- 海船畫法Ships
- 聽泉圖Listening to the Sound of the Waterfall
- 逸趣圖Enjoying the Life in Reclusion
- 雲湧後澥The Rising Clouds after Rain
- 危崖松風Wind in the Pines on a Steep Cliff
- 海濤畫支Waves
- 激浪畫法Billows
- 湖光水色畫法Lakes
- 江上行舟畫法Boats on the River
- 海波起浪畫法Sea Waves
- 靜影流泉畫法Water Flowing Into a Lake
- 黃山雲海畫法Sea of Clouds of Mt.Huang
- 飛瀾無聲(即瀑布雲)畫法Cascading Clouds
- 群峰山雲畫法Clouds Rising From the Valley
- 行雲(勾雲)畫法Outlined Clouds
- 晨霧畫法Morning Mist
- 煙嵐畫法Mist in the Mountains
- 秋風畫法Autumn Wind
- 急雨歸舟畫法Boat in a Storm
- 松間明月畫法Moon in the Pines
- 雪景畫法Snowscape
- 山水畫過程圖之一《秋山紅葉》A Step By Step Guide of Painting an Autumn Landscape
- 山水畫過程圖之二《山居鳴泉》A Step By Step Guide of Painting“Land-Scape with a Waterfall”
- 例作欣賞Painting Examples