- 目錄
- 迎春花 The Desmodium Caudatum
- 牡丹花 The Peony
- 芍藥 The Common Garden Peony
- 連翹 The Forsythia
- 桃花 The Peach
- 石斛蘭 The Dendrobium
- 海棠花 The Begonia
- 松花 The Pine
- 紋蘭 The Dendrobrium
- 虞美人 The Shirley Poppy
- 萱草花 The Tawny Daylily
- 鳳仙花 The Garden Balsam
- 小蒼蘭 The Fresia
- 馬蹄蓮 The Trumpet Lily
- 九層塔草 The Sweet Basil
- 嘉德麗雅蘭 The Cattleya
- 紫藤 The Chinese Wisteria
- 串鈴花 The Hyacinth
- 一串紅 The Scarlet Sage
- 羊蹄甲 The Purple Bauhinia
- 變色茉莉 The Vegetable Mercury
- 緋櫻花 The Taiwan Cherry
- 金魚草 The Common Snapdrsgon
- 杜鵑花 The Rhododendron
- 醉蝶花 The Cleome
- 瓜葉菊 The Florists Cineraria
- 綉球 The Big Hydrangea
- 矮牽牛 The Common Garden Petunia
- 火炬刺桐 The Coral Tree
- 君子蘭 The Clivia
- 朱頂紅 The Amaryllis
- 石竹 The Chinese Pink
- 梨花 The Pear
- 瑪格麗特花 The Marguerite
- 木棉 The Silk Cotton Tree
- 仙丹花 The Chinese lxora
- 大岩桐 The Violet Slipper
- 天宮石斛 The Dendrobium
- 紋天竺葵 The Geranium
- 唐菖蒲 The Sword Lily
- 康乃馨 The Carnation
- 滿天星 The Baby's Breath
- 辛夷花 The Magnolia Lily
- 百合 The Lily
- 蓮 The East Indian Lotus
- 扶桑 The Rose-of-China
- 玫瑰 The Rose
- 藍雪花 The Cape Leadwort
- 睡蓮 The Water-Lily
- 牽牛花 The Morning Glory
- 九重葛The Paper Flower
- 鳶尾蘭The lris
- 拱手花籃 The Japanese-Lantern
- 玉蘭花 The White Magnolia
- 吊燈花 The Fuchsia
- 三色堇 The European Wild Pansy
- 龍吐珠 The Bleeding Heart
- 月季 The Monthly Rose
- 大鄧伯花 The Bengal Clock Vine
- 使君子 The Rangoon Creeper
- 燈籠草 The Cutleaf Groundcherry
- 石榴花 The Pomegranate
- 布袋蓮 The Water Hyacinth
- 美人蕉 The Canna
- 鯨魚花 The Columnea Gloriosa
- 阿勃勒花 The Pudding-Pipe Tree
- 鳳凰花 The Flamboyant
- 曇花 The Dutchman's-Pipe
- 天堂烏 The Bird of Paradise Flower
- 凌霄 The Chinese Trumpet-Creeper
- 夾竹桃 The Sweet-Scented Oleander
- 珊瑚藤 The Goral Vine
- 香婉豆 The Sweet Pea
- 毛萼口紅花 Lipstick Plant
- 水菖蒲 The Sweet Flag
- 鷄冠花 The Cockscomb
- 炮仗花 The Flaming Citron
- 四季秋 Four Season's Begonia
- 佛手 The Fingered Cltron
- 絲瓜花 The Vegetable-Sponge
- 蘆葦花 The Reed
- 紅寥 The Princess Festher
- 梧桐花 The Chinese Parasol Tree
- 菊花 The Chrysanthemum
- 向日葵 The Commom Sunflower
- 紫薇 The Crape Myrtle
- 雁來紅 The Joseph's Coat
- 棉花 The Cotton
- 秋葵 The Lady's-Flower
- 秋海棠 The Begonia
- 野薑花 The Wild Ginger
- 木芙蓉 The Cotton Rose
- 山茶 The Camellia
- 蠟梅 The Wintersweet
- 國蘭 The Grass Orchid
- 白鶴蘭 The Orchid
- 大理花 The Dahlia
- 仙客來 The Cyclamen
- 鬱金香 The Tulip
- 聖誕紅 The Christmas Flowers
- 梅花 The Plum
- 水仙 The Narcissus
- 天竺 The Dwarf Heavenly