- 目錄
- 1 古寺晨鐘Morning bell from the anclent temple
- 2 林下逢君Meting in the woods
- 3 蒼巖山亭A pavilion in the mountain
- 4 泉聲松籟Cascading waterfall and rustling pines
- 5 溪山訪友Thunderous waterfall and cloudy ravine
- 6 山光滿貯Landscape
- 7 雲繞幾重峰Mountaineering with a stick
- 8 聽泉忘返Listening to the waterfall
- 9 滿載山光Beautiful mountains
- 10 長江三峽Memory drawing of the Three Gorges
- 11 孤棚棲冷渚An isolated boat
- 12 結廬近飛瀑The cottage in clouds
- 13 青山千萬重Reciting poems carefreely
- 14 雨過林如洗Green woods after rain
- 15 飛瀑湧銀濤Thnderous cataract
- 16 家在深山House in the mountain
- 17 群峯秋色Mountains and autumn clouds
- 18 嶺上白雲Clouds encircling the mountains
- 19 飛瀑動青山Clouds encircling the mountains
- 20 攬勝搜奇View searching
- 21 秋山錦影Spendid autumn mountains
- 22 楓落吳江Maple leaves falling on Wu River
- 23 陽明野趣Ladscape of Yangming Mountain
- 24 秀峯遠壑Beautiful mountain and distant ravine
- 25 觀瀑圖Watching the cataract
- 26 漁歸幽居An angler returning home
- 27 人在翠微中Standing among the greens
- 28 隨意寫雲山Brood mind makes the universe small
- 29 相對談今古Chatting in a hut
- 30 巍然氣象雄Lofty mountains
- 31 野色蕭疎Deserted countryside
- 32 驚濤拍岸Roaring billows beating the cliff
- 33 隱者居Young trees in spring
- 34 山居話古Chatting in the mountain retreat
- 35 山雲作伴Making friends with the clouds
- 36 晨光曦溦Daybreak
- 37 山陰雲壑Waterfall breaking through clouds
- 38 無人舟自橫A boat in the gorge
- 39 松雲幽居Secluding in the mountain
- 40 柏溪小景Watching the pines and listening to the cataract
- 41 古木深秋Trees in late autumn
- 42 漫步尋幽Seeking poetic inspirtion
- 43 策杖漫遊Distant mountains
- 44 幽棲圖Breezes and natural sounds
- 45 幽棲圖(局部)One part of the “Breezes and natural sounds”
- 46 嘉陵江畔The glistening ripples
- 47 蒼巖玉瀑Roaring cataract and cliffs
- 48 萬壑爭流Ravines and thunderous cataract
- 49 古木虬松Aged green pines
- 50 晚姻歸舟Returning boat at dusk
- 51 夏雨新霽Landscape after summer rain
- 52 山亭觀瀑Waterfall and soughing pines
- 53 秋林蕭蕭Whistling autumn woods
- 54 青碧映空Fresh greens
- 55 溪閣談玄Philosophy discussing
- 56 姻波漁艇A boat sailing in the misty river
- 57 獨坐忘機Sitting carefreely
- 58 雲山疊翠Peaks in Spring
- 59 溪山幽居Hermit in the Valley
- 60 聽瀑觀泉Listening to the flowing stream
- 61 春江閒釣Angling in Spring river
- 62 柳橋覓句Willow trees
- 63 幽處亦機源Winding creek and mossy path
- 64 波斯貓Persian cat
- 65 荷池雙鴨Lotus and ducks
- 66 紅林雲影Ruturning home
- 67 曲徑幽芳Winding path and fragrant flowers
- 68 幽溪策杖Rustling pines and roaring waterfall
- 69 武陵桃溪Peach stream of Utopialand
- 70 獨立心閒Standing leasurely
- 71 林壑幽居Listening to the cataract
- 72 林壑幽居(局部)One part of the “Listening to the cataract”
- 73 扶節晚步Rustling pines
- 74 別有洞天A different world
- 75 家在深山Home in the secluded mountain
- 76 急流天下來Cataract coming from the sky
- 77 萬壑千峯Thousands mountains and ravines
- 78 延青草堂圖One hundred years old pine free
- 79 峭崖荒徑Steep cliffs and deserted path
- 80 林壑幽深Ravine and bright moon
- 81 清風明月Breezes and bright moon
- 82 看雲聽瀑Watching clouds listening to waterfall
- 83 山居圖Pinecliffs and waterfall
- 84 綠窗人靜Quietly studying in the cottage
- 85 雲巖飛瀑Cloudy cliff and waterfall
- 86 雲壑奇峰Misty peaks
- 87 春溪曉色A stream at dawn
- 88 幽溪垂釣Angling in the brook
- 89 夾岸秋深Late autumn along the riversides
- 90 深山雪霽Snow scenery in the valley
- 91 奇雄飛瀑Cloudy mountains
- 92 雲橫繡嶺A fully-laden woodcutter returning home
- 93 靜立雲嚴Standing silently among mosty
- 94 雲崖賞瀑Watching cataract in the snowy cliff
- 95 山水清暉Bright landscape
- 96 雨餘賞瀑Watching waterfall under pine trees
- 97 雨餘賞瀑(局部)One part of the watching waterfall under pine trees
- 98 山光雲影Cloudy mountains
- 99 翠林雨霽Green woods after rain
- 100 偶逢知友Red cliff and winding path
- 101 偶逢知友(局部)One part of the “Red cliff and winding path”
- 102 西樵山居Cataract coming from the sky
- 103 山居清夏Mountain hermit in summer
- 104 深林幽居Retredting in the woods
- 105 輕舟野渡A small boat sailing in the river
- 106 廬山嫩晴Fair weather in the mountains
- 107 山雨欲來The rain is coming
- 108 蒼崖以瀑Waterfall Watching
- 109 崇山峻嶺Mountains and cliffs
- 110 微波漁影Fishing on the rippling river
- 111 雲瀑松風Waterfall and pine summit
- 112 綠蔭深處The happiness of secluding in the mountain
- 113 雅韻天成Nature-made melody
- 114 嘯傲烟霞Howling upon clouds
- 115 夕照歸樵Return in the late evening
- 116 飛瀑奔流Undaunted spirit
- 117 雅舍山居Hermitage
- 118 溪山覓句Inspiration searching
- 119 夕陽垂釣As if in the native mountain
- 120 寒泉滿韻Rhythm of cool waterfall
- 121 溪山雪霽Landscape after snowing
- 122 浮雲出岫Drifting clounds
- 123 奔騰千里Torrent
- 124 烟壑閑吟Intone before green mountain
- 125 清溪紅葉Cicada's singing
- 126 溪山幽居Herrnitage
- 127 急流垂釣Fishing
- 128 玉山雲影Misty mountains
- 129 閒觀意消Peaceful mind
- 130 遠岫獨尋A solitary seeking
- 131 喜聽泉聲Hidden valley and clean brook
- 132 觀瀑圖Waterfall watching
- 133 雲石碧嵯峨Chanting
- 134 揮灑人間Dratting on autumn brook
- 135 遠寺鐘聲Distant bell in the autumn mountain
- 136 相對談心Hear-to-heart talking
- 137 策杖尋訪Visting
- 138 雲影依依Cloudy mountains
- 139 櫻花小鳥Cherry blossoms and bird
- 140 桃花綬帶Peach blossoms
- 141 梨花翠烏Pear flowers and green birds
- 142 梧桐雙鳥Birds on firmlana
- 143 禾鵠山竹Bird on firmiana
- 144 玉蘭鸚鵡Magnalia and parrot
- 145 家在深山House in the mountain
- 146 松嶺碧巖Pine mountain and green cliff
- 147 高山流水Landscape
- 148 鄉關何處Where is the home boundary?
- 149 靜立雲巖Standing silently among misty mountains
饶建华(著) -
麥可.芬克爾(著);李巧云(譯) -
何炎泉,林宛儒(編);蒲思棠(譯) -