- 目錄
- 春會 Spring Gathering in the Garden
- 窈窕淑女 Elegant Lady in Simple Dress
- 瑶台無信 Pining amid Bamboo and Rock
- 盛妝仕女 Lady in Rich Attire
- 芭蕉琴語 Repose in Company with Plantain
- 鬆寒清幽 Stroll in Pine-wood
- 霜紅秋菊 Autumn in the Garden
- 瘦竹幽士 Recluse Scholar Silhouetted against Bright Moon
- 夏荷清賞 Imbued in the Summer Aroma
- 竹伴讀書 Reading in the Bamboo Grove
- 畫舫風習 Soothing Breeze in the Arcade
- 竹梅詩韻 Chat about the Verse
- 寒雪映紅梅 Aroma in the Snow
- 清風明月 Plum under Clear Moonlight
- 庭落清望 A Sudden Glance
- 梅竹寓興 Nostalgia
- 清趣 Belletristic Party
- 浴罷麗影 After Bath
- 秋千樂 The Fun of the Swing
- 霜紅伴清茗 Tea Flavor
- 童戲 Childish Study
- 清芳自賞 Pose Alone
- 白梅紅顏 Beauty and Plum
- 荷塘清釣 Fishing at the Pond
- 荷塘戲水 Having Fun amid the Lotuses
- 倚石聽竹 Listening to the wind-blown Bamboo
- 當風麗影 Stand against the Wind
- 松石仕女 Lady with Pine and Rock
- 弄姿 Gesturing
- 茶敍 Tea Party
- 風簷觀立 Glance Askance under the Eaves
- 風廊回首 Soothing Breeze
- 元宵燈戲 Lantern Ganme
- 霜紅秋寒 Cool Atmophere Tinted with Autumn Colors
- 庭中小立 In the Corner of the Garden
- 私語 Personal words
- 牆外洞天 Beyond the Gareden
- 閱罷小憩 Respite
- 廻徑觀荷 Crooked Lane above the Pond
- 柳絮迎風月 wind-blown willow Swinging under the Moonlight
- 探花行 Vernal visit
- 秋千繾綣 Swing with the willow
- 餘酣 Tipsy
- 天倫 Maternal Scene
- 芙蓉如面 Interplay of Glamor
- 獨步幽篁 Stroll Alone in Bamboo Grove
- 柳葉觀音 Goddess of Mercy
- 竹石清鎖 An Elegant Corner
- 倩筆留形 Capture the Mood
- 坐擁天籟 Enjoy the Nature
- 諸子鬧堂 Fun in the Class
- 課戲 Fun with Study
- 塗朱之樂 Dolling up
- 是誰多事種芭蕉 Moody Plantain
- 深夜如水 Cooling Night
- 乘風歸去 Sail with the wind
- 秋聲逐波 Autumn Sail
- 坐擁清秋 Clear and Calm
- 獨步天地 Reclusiveness
- 雲山 Cloudy Landscape
- 法相莊巖 Her Majesty
- 童趣 Childhood
- 殘葉映瑩荷 Autumn Leaves wirh white Lotuses
- 滿園春 Pomp and Splender
- 靜觀 Intensive Look
- 花鳥 Bird and Flower
- 墨竹清啾 Twittering amid Ink Bamboos
- 立風高 Alight on Twigs
- 紅綠翩飛 Shuttle in the Vines
- 庭園一角 A Small world
- 長青 Cranes and Pines
- 富貴芳艷 Richness
- 秋實 Food Collecting
- 秋語 Autumn Words
- 壽考長春 Evergreen and Longevity
- 松巖飛瀑Waterfall Galloping through Pines and Rocks
- 竹雀鎖語 Twittering Sparrows
- 瑩羽映紅梅 Show Bird and Crimson Flowers
- 泉聲松韻 Consonance between Pines and Spring
- 秋客紅顏 Autumn Colors
- 雪羽映綠葉 Snow Feathers amid Verdure
- 雁來紅 Amaranth
- 幽篁清趣 Making Fun in the Bamboo Grove
- 冰潔Pure and Virtuous
- 秋殘餘韻 The Advent of the Fall
- 獨秀 Stand out Alone
- 玉簪落地 Tuberoses
- 紫韻 The Rhyme of Purple
- 鶴侶Cranes and Pines
- 紅芳曉霜 Morning Dew
- 爭奇鬥艷 Beauty Contest
- 淡抹出風神 Tranquil Pose
- 戲葉 Fondle the Leaves
- 獨占鱉頭 Alone on Top
- 比翼白頭 Coupled Forever
- 雪羽祥瑞 Auspice
- 爭相映紅 Compete with Ruby Splender
- 富貴何求 wealth and Power Come in their own ways
- 紅蘋鴛鴦 Pair under Red Flowers
- 富貴白頭 Life-long welfare
- 俟機 wait……
- 蘭卉枇杷 Variety of Plants
- 紅白芙蓉 Hibiscuses
- 雄風 Heroic