- 目錄
- 1 胡馬依北風,越鳥朝南枝 Birds of Passage
- 2 落霞 Clouds
- 3 溫馨 Warm
- 4 專注 Looking
- 5 閱盡人間多少事 Tigers
- 6 沈思智慧寬 Meditation
- 7 畏 Fear
- 8 憩 Rest
- 9 惑 Confusion
- 10 天地騰騰 Imposing Tiger
- 11 身在此山中 Being in the Mountains
- 12 猿愁 Woes of Monkey
- 13 別跑! Don't Run
- 14 遠方 In the Distance
- 15 邂逅 Unexpected Meeting
- 16 很久很久以前… Long Long Time Ago
- 17 哼!才不給你吃! It's Mine
- 18 還有幾個? How Many Left
- 19 猿族 Monkeys
- 20 深秋 Deep Autumn
- 21 細數木棉又一春 Another Year
- 22 記得你曾經說過…… You Said
- 23 野笛吹徹影悠悠 Cowherd Flutes at Water-Buffalo's Back
- 24 夏日正長 Long Hot Summer
- 25 唯汝相依伴天涯 Two is A Company
- 26 □!你好! Hi, How Are You!
- 27 鼾 Snore
- 28 如意 Happiness
- 29 盹 Napping
- 30 前程 Prospects
- 31 夢的聲音 Voice of Dream
- 32 却踏瑞雪迎晚凉 A Horse Paces in Snow
- 33 西窗過雨 Landscape After Rains
- 34 空山不見人 Empty Forest
- 35 春顏已老 Aged Tree
- 36 在水濛濛的樹林裏 In the Misty Forest
- 37 山嵐縹緲 Mountains in Mist
- 39 秋歌 Song of Autumn
- 40 向晚秋暮重 Autumn Scenery in the Evening
- 41 堆起一座雲樣的山 Cloudy Mountains
- 42 望斷紅塵•何處話滄桑? Horses in the Cliff
- 43 山雨初含霽 Clear Forest After Rains
- 44 重拾舊顏 smile Again
- 45 天高地冷 Cold
- 46 浣-季秋涼 Chilly Autumn
- 47 盈盈綠意 Green Woods
- 48 千重山,萬重水 River After River & Mountain After Mountain
- 49 相遇 Meeting by Chance
- 50 煙波江上 River in mist
- 51 夏盡 The End of Summer
- 52 秋來 Autumn
- 53 雪落黃昏沈 Snow-Fall in the Evening
- 54 青山隱隱 Appearing Mountains
- 55 秋的林野 The Wildness in Autumn
- 56 晚霞撒錦 Evening Clouds Look Like Brocade
- 57 鴿子已飛遠 Pigons Had Flown Away
- 58 園林 Countryside
- 59 雨季 The Rain Season
- 60 霞光 Twilight
- 61 春來下綱Fishing in Spring
- 62 初秋斜影 Londscape of Autumn Forest
- 63 故鄉秋深 Hometown's Autumn
- 64 農家 Farmhouse
- 65 逆風催遊子 Recoll to the Traveler
- 66 初夏 Earlv Summer
- 67 海的變奏曲 The Music of the Sea
- 68 夏日午后 summer Afternoon
- 69 開一扇窗 An Opened Window
- 70 日落大地 Sunset
- 71 黃昏 Scenery of Evening
- 72 播撒遍地的金黃 Golden Grains Spread Throughout the tand
- 73 海韻 Rhythm of the Sea
- 74 牽褚哥 Pig-Herd
- 75 纏綿 Spinning Cottons
- 76 相見歡 Delightful Meeting
- 77 話桑麻 Chatting
- 78 結網 Knitting
- 79 歲月的故事 Tale of Time
- 80 只要我長大 If Only I Grow Up
- 81 結-桔思念 Knots
- 82 交響樂團 orchestra
- 83 冬夜 Winter Night
- 84 回憶 Memory
- 85 思君 Lovesickness
- 86 斗笠下 woman in Broad-Brimmed Hat
- 87 寄情 Writing a Letter to Send Regards
- 88 沈思 Poldering
- 89 歲月的痕跡 Track of Time
- 90 馨甜 Joys
- 91 濯 Washing
- 92 出塞曲 Scenery Beyong
- 93 瓶中的歲月 Time Inside the Boundary
- 94 大公雞 Chicken
- 95 驀然回首已黃秋 Suddenly Looking Back
- 96 旅程 Journey
- 97 相送 selling off
- 98 菜根香 Selling Vegetable
- 99 先知 Fortune-Teller
- 100 織 Knitting
- 101 獨釣-江秋波 Fishing Alone in Autumn
- 102 蟬嘶 The Chirps of Cicadas
- 103 嬉水 Splashing Water for Fun
- 104 蘆笛清韻 Fluting
- 105 踽踽 Walking Alone
- 106 春耕 Spring Cultivation
- 107 靜想 Thinking
- 108 一片濃綠 Dark Green
- 109 閒釣 Fishing at Leisure
- 110 戇 Cute
- 111 窺視 Water-Buffalo & Ducks
- 112 家在水畔 Home by the Riverbank
- 113 當西風走過 When the West Wind Blows Through
- 114 道情 Monk Sits in Sampan
- 115 凡事盼望 Hope
- 116 迎候 Expecting
- 117 戲 Play
- 118 無趣 Bores
- 119 追隨 Following
- 120 獨處 Sitting Alone
- 121 手足情深 brotherhood
- 122 回首向來蕭瑟處 Dogs in Chilly Woods
- 123 小親親 Doggies
- 124 抉擇 Choice
- 125 寧靜 Silence
- 126 花間下 Under the Flowers
- 127 安和樂利 Peaceful and Prosperous
- 128 丁卯兔年 The Year of Rabbit
- 129 迎接新年 Greeting for 1987
- 130 明天會更好 It will be Better Tomorrow
- 131 老屋 Old House
- 132 秋水映寒波 Chilly River in Autumn
- 133 天光雲影 Sunshine and Clouds
- 134 撩人心愁最此時 The Saddest Moment
- 135 驚濤 Choppy Wave
- 136 海天一色 Everlasting Sky and Sea
- 137 滄浪之水 The Blue Water
- 138 風櫃來的人 Mon From the Wind-Closet
- 139 泊 Anchorage
- 140 山水四疊 Mountains Overlap River
- 141 哀歌 sad Song
- 142 說-則山海經,山與海都來聽 Mountains and Sea Are Listening
- 143 獨唱Solo
- 144 吊嗓子 Singing
- 145 鳥瞰 Bird's Eye View
- 146 自由 Carefree
- 147 飽餐 Eating to Their Heart's Content
- 148 紅葉舞秋風 The Red Leaves Are Dancing
- 149 路過空山 Passing
- 150 未竟之渡 The Unachieved Crossing
- 151 亂石崩雲 Rocks and Billow
- 152 江海寄餘生 Spending the Rest of Life at Sea
- 153 相依 Side by Side
- 154 南飛前 Before Head South
- 155 自別後 Ever Since We Departed