- 首頁
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- 書籍詳目頁
- 作者: Carolyn G. Choong (著) ; 劉學雯 (譯)
- 學科分類: 語言文學類
- 書籍分類: 英文
- 出版社: 笛藤出版圖書有限公司
- 出版地:臺灣
- 出版日期:2001
- 語文:繁體中文
- ISBN/識別號:9577103464
推薦採購不提供QR CODE
- 目錄
- A bad apple
- A big hand
- A copy-cat
- A dead duck
- A fan of Madonna
- A little bird told me
- A penny for your thoughts
- A thorn in my side
- Above the law
- Achilles` heel
- Against the clock
- All ears
- All eyes and ears
- All the rage
- All thumbs
- Along for the ride
- Apple of his mother's eye
- Apples and oranges
- Armed to the teeth
- As busy as a bee
- As fit as a fiddle
- As innocent as a lamb
- As pretty as a picture
- Asleep at the wheel
- At any rate
- At each other's throats
- At my doorstep
- At the drop of a hat
- At the top of your lungs
- Babe in the woods
- Back to the drawing-board
- Back you up
- Bad blood
- Bank on me
- Bark up the wrong tree
- Be curtains for my company
- Be strapped for cash
- Be tight-lipped
- Bear fruit
- Bear with me
- Beat about the bush
- Beats me
- Beef up(1)
- Beef up(2)
- Beg to differ
- Begin to see the light
- Behind his wife's back
- Belt out
- Bend my ear
- Bend over backwards
- Between a rock and a hard place
- Between you and me
- Big bucks
- Birds and the bees
- Bite my head off
- Bite the bullet
- Bite the dust
- Black sheep
- Blow my mind(1)
- Blow my mind(2)
- Bone up
- Break the ice
- Bursting at the seams
- Call it a day
- Call it a night
- Call of nature
- Call the shots
- Can't make heads or tails of
- Can't stand this place
- Card up her sleeve
- Carry the weight of the world on his shoulders
- Carry your cross
- Cat got your tongue
- Catch him red-handed
- Caught with his pants down
- Cheap skate
- Chew out
- Chew the fat
- Child's play
- Chip on her shoulder
- Clean me out
- Close your eyes to
- Cold turkey
- Come down in buckets
- Come out of the closet
- Come to a head
- Come with the territory
- Cost an arm and a leg
- Cough it up
- Crack up
- Cramp my style
- Cross my heart
- Cry over spilled
- Cut and dried
- Cut him down to
- Cut out to be
- Cut their losses
- Daily grind
- Dawn on you
- Diamond in the rough
- Dig some dirt up on me
- Dig your own grave
- Dip into his pockets
- Dirty work
- Does not have a selfish bone in her body
- Dog-eat-dog
- Doing his own thing
- Down in the dumps
- Down the tubes
- Down to earth
- Draw the line
- Drink like a fish
- Drive me up the wall
- Eat away at you
- Eat his heart out
- Eat your heart out
- Eat like a bird
- Egg me on
- Ego trip
- Every inch a woman
- Every minute counts
- Eye opener
- Face the music
- Fair game
- Fall back on
- Fall between the cracks
- Fall flat on his face
- Fall for him
- Fall for his lies
- Fall over backwards
- Fall through
- False alarm
- Fat chance
- Feather in my cap
- Fell it in my bones
- Fill his shoes
- Filthy rich
- Fly-by-night
- Foam at the mouth
- Follow in your footsteps
- For the birds
- Full of hot air
- Get a crash on him
- Get a kick out of this TV show
- Get a load of that girl
- Get carried away
- Get fresh
- Get the third degree
- Get under my skin
- Give me a ring
- Give me the evil eye
- Go ballistic
- Go Dutch
- Go over my head(1)
- Go over my head(2)
- Go stag
- Go to any lengths
- Go to hell in a handbasket
- Go up in flames
- Grease the waiter's palm
- Grit your teeth
- Grow on me
- Gung ho