- 目錄
- 1池塘浪靜 Playful by the Pond
- 2山居秋色 Autumn Colours in My Mountain Dwelling
- 3 秋山幽林 Stillness in Autumn Wbods
- 4 寵物 Treosure
- 5 百騷一睡 To Catch one Wink …
- 6 群雀圖州、When Sparrows Gather …
- 7 野雀戲梟 Teasing the Old owl
- 8 雪松蒼鷹 Ancient Hawk on Frosty Pine
- 9 四季花鳥之一 Flowers and Birds of the Four Seasons , a
- 10 四季花鳥之二 FIowers and Birds of the Four Seasons , b
- 11 四季花鳥之三 Flowers and Birds of the Four Seasons , c
- 12 四季花鳥之四 Flowers and Birds of the Four Seasons ,d
- 13 羅馬古城 Ancient Citade of Rome
- 14 秋山放牧 Pasturing in Autumn Hills
- 15 萬獸之王 King of Beasts
- 16 鬥鷄 Cock Fight
- 17 赤鯛魚二幅(海鮮) Goden -Red Sea Bream
- 18 洞天嗚鶴 Crying Crane
- 19 仙壇遊鹿 Frolicking Deer
- 20 清泉鳴鹿 Deer by the Pure Stream
- 21 壽山福海 Crane by Pristine Shores
- 23 冬景Wintry Willow
- 22 樹葉凋零Wintry Willow
- 25 秋林積翠 Emerald Green the Autumn Forest
- 24 幽林故道屏風 Old Path in Secluded Woods (sliding-door panels )
- 26山村晚歸 Returning to the Mountain Village at Dusk
- 27樹上鷓驚 Solo Flight
- 28樹上鷓驚 Gathered Cormorants
- 29被飼養的猿和兔 Domesticated Monkey and Rabbit
- 30被飼養的猿和兔 Domesticated Monkey and Rabbit
- 31窺伺 Wild Foxes
- 32嬉戲Wild Foxes
- 33梅溪春耕 Spring Ploughing by Plum Blossom Stream
- 34盛柱美人 Beauty in Gorgeous Robes After the Both
- 35羞怯出浴 Returning from Pastures in Wind ond Rain
- 36威尼斯的月亮 Moon over Venice
- 37暮雨 Evening Drizzle
- 38田園風光(仿大和繪詩意) Vernal Verdure in Yamato - e Style
- 39風雨歸牧 Returning from Pastures in Wind and Rain
- 40秣馬 Horse at Fodder
- 41會流 White Sands of Summer Beaches
- 42龍華春色 Luxuriant Peach Blossoms in a Chinese Village
- 43揚州城外 Outside the City of Yangchou
- 44蘇州的雨 Rain in Suchou
- 45烟波浩渺 Through Misting Sands
- 46風平浪靜 Calm After the Storm
- 47靈貓 Mogical Cat
- 48昏鳥鴉 Dizzy Crow
- 50雙鹿圖 Twin Deer
- 49和暖 Deer in Spring
- 51志在高遠 of Lofty Ambitions
- 52花團錦簇 Profusion of Colours
- 53斗魚獲 The Catch
- 54江南風光 Scenes of Chiang-nan
- 55古城松翠 Ancient Pines by the City Wall
- 57雙虎圖 Twin Tigers
- 56虎 Tiger
- 58望月 Moon Watch
- 59柳蔭雙雀 Sparrows in Willowshade
- 60白鷺 white Heron
- 61靈峯遠眺 Mount Fuji from Distont Hills
- 62漁村遠帆 Distant Sail Toward the Fishing Village
- 63沙軟水清 Soft Sands…Pure Waters …
- 64蘇州風物 Scenes of Suchou
- 65潮來小暑 Summer Passage
- 66鬥鷄Cock Fight
- 67烟江晚渡 Evening Passage
- 68歸帆 Returning Boats
- 69雲巖賞瀑Waterfall Among the Clouds
- 70飛瀑 Flying Cascades
- 71惜春 Harbouring Spring
- 72親情 Intimacy
- 73苑池白鷺 White Herons by the Pond
- 74靈峰遠眺 Divine Mount Fuji
- 75春寒 Mouse and Turnips
- 76蛙與蜻蜓 Dragonfly and Frogs
- 77梅園禽語 Bird Talk in the Plum Garden
- 78水村 Water Villoge
- 79聚雨一過 The Rains Have Come And Gone !
- 80群鹿 Deer in Concert
- 81躍跳Leaping Deer
- 82群鴉食Ducks at Lunch
- 83鴨眠Ducks at Nap
- 84 雙鯉 Carp on Lacquer Tray
- 85 旭日怒浪 Sunrise Over Foaming Waves
- 86梅花小禽(冊頁)plum Blossoms and Tiny Visitors (album leaf )
- 87 畫眉戲春(冊頁) The Grey Thrush in Spring (album leaf )
- 88芍藥(冊頁) Paeonia (album leaf)
- 89麻雀(冊頁)Sparrows ( album leaf )
- 90 小憩Brief Respite
- 91 春日田居(冊頁)Farming in Spring
- 92 新涼 Fresh Cool Before Rain
- 93 爐邊 By the Hearth
- 94赤鯮魚 Fresh Cought Seam Bream ( album leaf )
- 95海鮮 Mockerel and Prawn on Bamboo Tray ( album leaf)
- 96家兔Pet Rabbits ( album Ieaf )
- 97和平 Peoce (album leaf )
- 98 未嘯風生 Whistling Winds
- 99 雄風 Heroic Recline
- 100 荷塘聽雨 Listening to the Rain in the Lotus Pond
張麗端(著) -
余佩瑾(著);梁晏齊,王韻寧(譯);王鉅元,林恬伶,陳守昱,賴曉萱(攝) -
劉祖信,龍永芳(編) -