- 目錄
l 牡丹石竹(邵幼軒牡丹、張大千竹石並題)Peony,Bomboo,and Rocks (A Joint Creotion with Mr. Chang Dai-Chien)
2 歲朝清供 合作畫Potted Plants(邵幼軒畫鼎、黃白牡丹、林中行畫瓷瓶、季康畫壽星、陶轉伯畫紅梅、黃君壁畫靈芝、陳雋甫畫書、傅狷夫畫石、高逸鴻補成張穀年題記)
3 荷塘清趣lotus Pand
4 竹石寒雀Sporrows in Winter
5 葡萄草蟲Insects and Grapes
6 野趣蛙鳴Frogs at Pand
7 仙禽成眷Prosperity and Honor
8 竹梅雙白頭Grockles,Bomboo and Plum
9 雙雞覓雛Rooster and Hen
10 歡鳥爭枝Birds Playing in the Tree
11 荷塘雙鳧Ducks and lotus Pand
12 一鳴天下白(報曉)Crows in the Broken Morning
13 餓鼠覓食A Hungry Squirrel Seorching Food
14 喜鵲報春Spring's Magpie
15 大搖大擺報曉圍Cock
16 萬類呈祥An Auspicious Omen
17 鴛鴦戲水Mandarin Ducks
18 富貴隨和Peony and Birds
19 富貴雙雙到白頭Peony and Grackle
20 富貴雙雙到白頭(局部)Peony and Grackle,(detail)
21 雙驚鼠Mouse
22 一路榮華Egret
23 柳蔭雙鳧A Pair of Ducks Swining under the Willow
24 螳螂牽牛Mantis and lpomoca
25 水藻遊蟲Peony and Butterfly
26 芍藥飛蝶Algae and Ephemerae
27 浮萍青蛙Frog and Duckweed
28 車前草蟋蟀Plontain and Crickets
29 柳蟬Cicada and Willow
30 荷葉蜻蜓Pragonfly and Lotus Leaves
31 芭蕉蝸牛Snail and Banana Plants
32 稻穀蚱蜢Grasshopper and Rice Plants
33 瓜曼叫哥Gourd and Cricket
34 草蟲Lnsects and Plants
35 秋葉蜂窩Beehive and Autumn leaves
36 海棠蜘蛛Begonia and Spider
37 大富貴Peongs-Symbol of Prosperity and Honor
38 富貴白頭Grackles and Peonies
39 薰風鳥語Birds Singing in Soft Wind
40 柳蔭覓食In Search of Food on a Willow
41 寶貴壽考Prosperity and Honor
42 富貴壽考(局面)Prosperity and Honor,(detaill)
43 桃花睡鳥Sleepy Bird in the Peach Tree
44 雨後生新粧Peony
45 紅黃富貴比艷Peony in Bloom
46 利市三倍Garden landscape
47 清風鳥語Birds Singing in Soft Wind
48 月季盛放,雙禽覓棲In Search of Nest
49 雙鵲日日報平安Two Magpies,Bamboo and Plum Flowers
50 哺雛圍Maternal Love
51 哺雛團(局部)Maternal Love,(detail)
52 共話富貴到白頭Grackles and Peony
53 桃花林中戲群燕Swallows Playing in Peach Blossoms
54 富貴偕老到白頭Prosperity and Honor
55 花問覓食In Search of Food
56 國色天香Fragrant Flowers and Singing Birds
57 芙蓉寫生Hibiscus
58 錦屏風過燕雙飛Flowers and Flying Swallows
59 玫瑰小鳥Bird and Rose
60 富貴吉慶Cock,Hen and Chickens
61 富貴吉塵(局部)Cock,Hen and Chickens,(detail)
62 穿越桃花叢中Birds Flying Through Peach Blossoms
63 白頭偕老圖Prosperity and Honor
64 玫瑰雙白頭A Pair of Grackles and Roses
65 花下狸奴Foxes and Flowers
66 花下狸奴(局部)Foxes and Flowers,(detail)
67 好鳥枝頭Bird in the Tree
68 玫瑰叢中花正濃Roses in Full B1oom
69 大富貴Peony-Symbol of Prosperity and Honor
70 洛陽春色Peony and Birds
71 共話白頭Birds in the Tree
72 月季花開Grackles and Roses
73 國色天香Peony
74 牡丹叢中雙白頭Grackles and Peony
75 牡丹叢中雙白頭(局部)Grackles and Peony,detail
76 玫瑰翠羽Birds and Roses
77 蒲塘秋艷Lotus Pand in Autumn
78 玫瑰草蟲Insects and Roses
79 玫瑰草蟲(局部)Insects and Roses,(Detail)
80 玫瑰花下驚飛鳥Flying Bird Under Roses
81 枝上鳥,白頭成雙A Pair of Grackles in the Tree
82 一代雄風Eagle and Pine
83 一代雄風(局部)Eagle and Pine,(detail)
84 歲寒高潔Birds in Winter
85 好鳥枝頭Birds in the Tree
86 四季長春Birds Singing in Spring Time
87 鳥語花香Drunk with Scent of Spring
88 喬木春聲Tree and Magpies
89 喬木春聲(局部)Tree and Magpies,(detail)
90 紫籐飛禽Birds and Wisteria
91 八哥紫籐Wisteria and Mynah
92 富貴雙雞Rooster and Hen
93 富貴雙雞(局部)Rooster and Hen,(detail)
94 小院風光Spring's Garder
95 四季長春May Every Season Be Prosperous!
96 庭院花濃Garden Filled with the Fragrance of Blossoms
97 叢艷Flòwers
98 浯江春暖Ducks Playing in Spring's Pand
99 浯江春暖(局部)Ducks Playing in Spring's Pand,(detail)
100 庭院春研Flowers in the Spring Yard
101 桃花小鳥Peach Blossoms and Birds
102 富貴白頭Grackles and Peony
103 紫籐雙燕Two Swallows and Wisteria
104 葡萄群鳥Birds and Grapes
105 大吉大利(局部)Roosters,(detail)
106 大吉大利Roosters
107 洛陽春色Peony-Symbol of Prosperity and Honor
108 玫瑰盛放Roses in Fall Blossoms
109 貓戲團Cats
110 貓戲團(局部)Cats,detail
111 鳥語爭春Birds Singing for the Coming of Spring
112 飛羽獻花Flowers and Bird
113 唱和圖(局部)Flowers and Birds,(detail)
114 唱和圖Flowers and Birds
115 玫瑰白頭翁(局部)Grackle and Rose,(detail)
116 玫瑰白頭翁Grackle and Rose
117 春風得意冠群芳Spring
118 月季花下雙羽覓食In Search of Food Among Flowers
119 桃魏春融Peony
120 羣鵝戲水Swans in Pand
121 羣鵝戲水(局部)Swans in Pand,(detail)
122 桃林黃鶯Oriole and Peach Blossoms
123 桃林黃鶯(局部)Oriole and Peach Blossms,(detail)