- 目錄
- 1 菊瘦蟹肥。Fresh Crabs in Autumn
- 2 荷風帶露。Lotus inBloom
- 3 梅竹茶花。Plum and Tea Blassoms
- 4 八哥紅葉。Craws at Sunset
- 5 八哥紅葉(局部)。Detail of #4
- 6 雁來紅。Redder Each Day
- 7 雙鵝菊石。Private Converse
- 8 海棠絡緯。Garden Rock Plants
- 9 葫蘆。Yellow and Black
- 10 美人蕉。Canna
- 11 國魂。Red Plum Blossoms
- 12 富貴花。Nobility and Fortune
- 13 三多圖Still Life
- 14 荷葉田田。Sunset Lotus
- 15 少年梧桐。After Rain
- 16 富貴無敵。Peony in Spring
- 17 宮責無敵(局部)。Detail of #16
- 18 荷塘幽趣。Pond Life
- 19 荷塘幽趣(局部)。Detail of #18
- 20 雨後山珍。After Rain Sports
- 21 雨後山珍(局部)。Detail of #20
- 22 喜上眉梢。Crows on Plum Branch
- 23 喜上眉梢(局部)。Detail of #22
- 24 風和日麗。Symbols of Longevity
- 25 神仙雙侶。Pine and Crane
- 26 鴛鴦荷葉。Lotus and Mandarin Ducks
- 27 落霞半天。Red Canna
- 28 消暑良方。Summer' Joys
- 29 雙雁。Reeds and Geese
- 30 富貴平安。Garden Rock and Friends
- 31 竹下雉鶴。Eyeing the Prey
- 32 五彩金魚。Goldfish and Water Grasses
- 33 五彩金魚(局部)Detail of #32
- 34 富貴耄耋。Kittens Among Peonies
- 35 富貴耄畫(局部)。Detail of #34
- 36 大貴在即。After Pa-ta,during Illness
- 37 秋菊青蟹。Ink Crabs
- 38 雪梅清影。Plum Tree in Frost
- 39 梨山松韻。Hoary Pine
- 40 凌波仙子。Lotus and Carp
- 41 八哥楊柳。Willow Cros(unsigoed,n.d.)
- 42 八哥楊柳(局部)。Detai1 of #41
- 43 無量壽佛。Meditation
- 44 江濱茅庵。Wu School Style Landscape
- 45 雄姿英發。Heroic Posture
- 46 紫藤翠羽。Graceful Poise
- 47 雙鼠。Squirrels and Gropes
- 48 雙鼠(局部)。Ddail of #47
- 49 孔雀紅梅。Splendour on Goldfoil
- 50 孔雀紅梅(局部)。Detil of #49
- 51 雙侯梧桐。The Leap
- 52 雙侯梧桐(局部)。Detail of #51
- 53 雙清伴石。Ink Bamboo,Cymbidium and Rock
- 54 疎影催詩。Ink Prunus in Flower
- 55 富實蝴蝶。Spring Greetings
- 56 孤山梅韻。The Four Friends:Prunus
- 57 泉石幽蘭。The Four Friends:Cymbidium
- 58 直上青雲。The Four Friends:Bamboo
- 59 風雨重陽。The Four Friends:Chrysanthemum
- 60 平沙落雁。Reeds and Geese
- 61 平沙落雁(局部)。Detail of #60
- 62 獅子狗。In Cool Shade (n.d.)
- 63 歲寒三友。Three Winter Friends
- 64 蟠桃壽石。Peaches of Longevity
- 65 繁梅如火。Red Prunus Blossoms
- 66 紅蓮吐芳。Lotus
- 67 石潔蘭清。Ink Orchids and Rock
- 68 灑落滄海。Fish at Sport (n.d)
- 70 羣雁歸來(局部)Detail of #69
- 69 羣雁歸來。Returning Geese
- 71 壽桃蒼石。Calligraphy and Painting:Peaches
- 72 雪竹。Cdligraphy and Painting:Snow
- 73 天上蟠桃。Birthdav Peaches
- 74 芭蕉翠烏Album Leaves:Parakeets
- 75 畫眉海棠。Album Leaves:The Thrush
- 76 楊柳雙燕。Album Leaves Swallows
- 77 白菜紅蔔。Album Leaves:Carrots and Cabboges
- 78 大福大壽。Birthday Greetings
- 79 壽翁揹桃。God of Longevity
- 80 魚樂圖。Fish Bliss
- 81 竹伴茶花。Mountain Tea Flower
- 82 梔子盛開。Evening Fragrance
- 83 事事清白。Persimmons and Cabbage
- 84 牡丹菊石。Four Seasons:Spring Peony
- 85 十里荷風。Four Seasons:Summer Lotus
- 86 秋菊紅葉。Four Seasons:Autumn Mums
- 87 小園紅梅。Four Seasons:Winter Prunus
- 88 秋耀金黃。Gold Chrysanthemum
- 89 歲朝清供。Still Life for New Year
- 90 十時報喜。Glad Tidings
- 91 十時報喜(局部)。Detail of #90
- 92 九餘圖。In Abundance
- 93 紫藤金魚。Wisteria Pond
- 94 富貴根基。Ink Lotus
- 95 臨風浥露。Kitchen Stll Life
- 96 山家風味。Prince of Flowers
- 97 花之君子。Piume of Glory
- 98 春風得意。Tea Flower
- 99 紅山茶。Peach Blossoms
- 100 夾竹桃。Wisteria Fowl
- 101 紫藤雙雞。Sparrow
- 103 乾隆通寶。Crab
- 104 蘆葦江蟹。Cabboge
- 105 澹泊自甘。The Whisper
- 106 白鶴三方。Squuirrels and Grapes
- 107 白鶴三友(局部)。Detail of #105
- 108 羣鼠逍遙。Spring Greetings
- 109 富貴白頭。Cricket Song
- 110 秋色秋聲。Cascade
- 111 閩浙蘭香。Orchids
- 112 蘆邊樓止。Crab (n.d.)
- 113 蜻蜓荷蕊。Lofus
- 114 松鼠。Squirrel
- 115 高堂北望。Day Lily
- 116 貓。Cat and Marrow
- 117 筍尖松鼠。Bomboo Shoot
- 118 鱖魚。Argument
- 119 海棠蟋蟀。Facing Off
- 120 彩羽嗚禽。Solitary Splend
- 121 一泓荷碧。Lotus Pond
- 122 雙燕歸巢。Take Off
- 123 石榴多子。The Question
- 124 不學凡卉。Magnolia
- 125 蟋蟀。Cricket Bowl
- 126 松鶴遐齡。Vernal Blooms
- 127 仙品清供。Prunus Blossom and Miracle Fungus
- 128 生意盎然。Autumn Splendour
- 129 鶴壽。Solitary Stance
- 130 宿烏無言。Young Crow in Autumn
- 131 梔子花開。Gardenia
- 132 並立。Lilies
- 133 牽牛花。Morning Glory
- 134 松鼠葡萄。Harvest!
- 135 鷂雛覓稻。Family Cohference
- 136 蘭根。CymUdium
- 137 紅梅壽石。Prunus in Moonlight
- 138 雙壽。Peaches for Longevity
- 139 紅蘿蔔。Red Roots
- 140 一柄春風。Peony
- 141 青蛙。The Leap
- 142 墨菊。Spider Mum
- 143 雙清。Still Life
- 144 對聯(行書)。Auspicious Calligraphy Pair in semi-cursive script
- 145 墨荷通景Ink Lotus Sereen
- 146 赤壁賦(行書)The Red Cliff Ode,in semi-cursive script
- 147 對聯。Paired Calligraphy Scrolls
- 148 對聯。Paired Calligraphy Serolls
- 149 中堂(行書)。Central Scrolt (in semi-cursive script)
- 150 中堂(行書)。Central Scroll (in semi-cursive script)
- 151 立軸二幅(行草)。Hanging Scrolls (Semi-Cursive Script)
- 152 中堂(行書)。Central Scroll (in Semi-Cursive Script)