我很喜歡隱地的詩。作為一個懂中文的美國學者,讀了原詩,比讀英譯更能加深對主題的瞭解。我一直反覆閱讀、一再品味隱地的詩,也渴望讀到更多。-耶魯大學遠東出版社總編輯John Montanaro
- 目錄
- 譯者序
- Translator's Preface
- 七種隱藏
- Seven Kinds of Hiding
- 法式裸睡
- French-style Nude Sleeping
- 眼睛坐火車
- Eyes Ride the Train
- Lonesome Journey
- 髮
- Hair
- 一半之歌
- The Song of Halves
- 獨孤之旅
- 池邊
- Pond Shore
- 孤單
- Alone
- 扎掙的心
- Struggling Heart
- 人體搬運法
- Ways to Transport the Human Form
- 開礦之歌
- Mining Song
- 我的後半生
- The Latter Half of My Life
- 四重奏
- Quartet
- 我倒在床上
- I Fall Down on the Bed
- 穿桃紅襯衫的男子
- Man in a Peach Shirt
- 熱愛生命
- Love Life Deeply
- 再生詩
- Regeneration Poem
- 人的力量
- Human Strength
- 第五十八首
- The Fifty-eighth Poem
- 他的人生分三路兵馬進行
- His Life Marches Forth in Three Groups of Troops and Horses
- 燒心天
- Anxious Day
- 一天裏的戲碼
- One Day's Repertoire
- 摩天大廈
- Skyscrapers
- 十行詩
- Ten-line Poem
- 躲迷藏
- Hide-and-seek
- 寂寞方程式
- Loneliness Equation
- 有人來敲門
- Someone is Knocking at the Door
- 一個喝著咖啡的人
- A Person Drinking Coffee
- 不敢叫醒你
- I Didn't Dare to Wake You
- 吃魚女子
- Woman Eating a Fish
- 歷程
- The Course
- 生命曠野
- The Wildeness of Life
- 四點鐘的陽光
- Four O' clock Sunlight
- 玫瑰花餅
- Rose Cakes
- 旅行
- Traveling
- 即時印象
- Immediate Impression
- 靜物說話
- Silent Things Speak
- 在雲端喝咖啡
- Drinking Coffee in the Clouds
- 電話世代
- The Telephone Generation
- 生命周記
- Notes from a Week of Life
- 馬
- Horse
- 午夜擁抱
- Midnight Embrace
- 第一六二首
- The 162nd Poem
- 靜畫
- A Still Painting
- 世界△.三角形的世界
- World △. Triangular World
- 西門町
- Ximen District
- 椅子組曲
- The Chair Suite
- 寒山
- Cold Mountain
- 圓舞曲
- Waltz
- 寂寞方程式
- Loneliness
- 睡眠橋
- The Bridge of Sleep
- 詩歌舖
- The Poem Shop
- 身體裡的河
- The River in My Body
- 大地一角
- One Corner of the Earth
- 寫給觀看小孩的詩人
- To the Poet Who Watches a Child
- 鬆緊篇
- On Relaxation and Tension
- 遇到小野豹
- Encountering a Young Wildcat
- 談隱地的「遊」
- Discussing Yin Dih's 'Play'