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  • 作者: 黃麗儀 等 (著)
  • 學科分類: 語言文學類
  • 書籍分類: 中文
  • 出版社: 釀出版
  • 出版地:臺灣
  • 出版日期:2014
  • 語文:繁體中文
  • ISBN/識別號:9789865696177





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  • 內容簡介
  • 目錄
12個單元 豐富的語用情境對話 A comprehensive guide to real Chinese expressions for 12 speech situations 本書特色: 中英語及拼音對照,正確學習不出錯 Billingual explanations, plus Hanyu pinyin 貼近生活的對話,在地華語一把罩 Effective daily conversation guides 語用情境引導學習,立即應用沒煩惱 Pragmatic communication skills 「文化」專區,快速融入台灣文化 Notes on Taiwanese culture 圖文並茂,輕鬆學習不枯燥 Colorful illustrations 內容簡介: 本書針對不同場合所需要使用的辭彙,分章介紹,是一本專為在台灣工作、以英語為母語的外國人士所編寫的華語自學書。透過書中角色的設定,你可以自由帶入各種情境,學習更生活化、更實用的華語應用!此外,各單元中的補充生詞、語法及練習部分均針對TOCFL中級程度的考生而特別設計的。 This book is written for English native speakers who live and work in Taiwan and whose Chinese is at the intermediate level. It can help them to learn how to communicate effectively and appropriately with local people in the Chinese language environment. However, this book is also useful for anyone who is interested in learning real, effective everyday Chinese language in cultural context. Furthermore each unit of this book contains supplementary materials that include some of the intermediate level TOCFL vocabulary, grammar points and exercises, which will be very helpful for anyone who is going to take the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language. 主編序 第二語言教學與第一語言教學最大的不同之處就是二語習得者對一開始學習的語言是沒有任何基礎的。所以對教材的依賴程度是極高的。因此教材的好壞相對地在二語習得者目的語的學習成效方面就扮演了非常重要的角色。 多年來,許多華語教師在教學時,常常感嘆目前市面上的教材都無法讓人滿意,尤其是在不同的語用情境溝通方面,總得另外花時間編寫補充教材,以滿足教學上的需求。因此使人不得不思考好的華語教材須具備哪些條件。 本人認為好的語言教材應具備以下的條件: 1. 以學習者為中心:注重學習者的語言程度、認知能力、學習需求與興趣及語用溝通能力 2. 以教學語法為主軸:教材內容應循序漸進,並具系統性 3. 對比分析:分析目的語與學生母語、目的語文化與學生在地文化、跨文化思維與溝通方式等方面 4. 主動學習:培養學生主動觀察、思考、分析與內化能力 5. 在地性:培養學生在其本地華人社區和目的語國家生活層面的實際語言應用能力 因此本套華語教材編寫總指標,除了遵循以上的五項要件,並兼具美國ACTFL的5Cs標準,也就是涵蓋跨語言知識(comparison)、跨文化知識(culture)、在地化(community)、跨學科及實際應用溝通能力(connection and communication)。其目標為提升學生母語與目的語的語言系統的對比分析能力、跨文化溝通能力以及在不同語用情況下的表達能力,並希望能進一步協助學生成為成功的終身自我學習者! Preface When we learn our first language, we are constantly exposed to that language. If we try to learn a foreign language, the situation is very different. In the beginning, we know nothing about the target language. If we are trying to learn that language through books, it is important to get the best books we can. For many years, the books or text books on teaching Chinese as a second language have failed to meet the needs of TCSL learners, especially with respect to the communication skills involved in different speech acts. Teachers using the books have to spend time and effort to prepare extra teaching materials, while the learners have to find other ways to learn the practical communication skills they had hoped to acquire in the classroom. A good TCSL book should meet the following requirements: 1. Learner-oriented: The primary concern should be the language proficiency levels, the cognitive abilities, the needs and interests, and the communicative abilities of the learners. 2. Pedagogical grammar: Following the principles of pedagogical grammar, the materials in the book (the grammatical rules, the learning activities, etc.) should be introduced systematically, based on the “i+1" principle of gradually introducing ...