- 首頁
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- 書籍詳目頁
- 作者: 江紹倫 (著)
- 學科分類: 語言文學類
- 書籍分類: 中國古典文學 ; 文學院
- 出版社: 商務印書館(香港)有限公司
- 出版地:香港
- 出版日期:2017
- 語文:中英對照
- ISBN/識別號:9789620745515
中英對照近代中國風雲人物詩詞(Poems of Shakers of Modern China-English Translation)
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Chen Yinke offered a concept of “poems substantiate history”
. As we present in one book the poems of thirty poets who had helped to shape modern China, we anticipate readers to find the contents rich, revealing and meaningful. Our readers will see from the words of the poets a clear view of who is what, and identify wise decisions from selfish mistakes. They will then understand history in human dynamic terms.
Chen Yinke offered a concept of “poems substantiate history”
. As we present in one book the poems of thirty poets who had helped to shape modern China, we anticipate readers to find the contents rich, revealing and meaningful. Our readers will see from the words of the poets a clear view of who is what, and identify wise decisions from selfish mistakes. They will then understand history in human dynamic terms.
- 目錄
- 前言 Preface
- 1 林則徐Lin Zexu
- 2 李鴻章Li Hongzhang
- 3 樊增祥Fan Zengxiang
- 4 黃遵憲Huang Zunxian
- 5 丘逢甲Qiu Fengjia
- 6 孫中山Sun Yat-sen
- 7 梁啟超Liang Qichao
- 8 吳佩孚Wu Peifu
- 9 黃克強Huang Keqiang
- 10 秋 瑾Qiu Jin
- 11 廖仲愷Liao Zhongkai
- 12 胡漢民Hu Hanmin
- 13 魯 迅Lu Xun
- 14 汪精衛Wang Jingwei
- 15 蔡 鍔Cai E
- 16 蘇曼殊Su Manshu
- 17 朱 德Zhu De
- 18 蔣介石Chang Jieshi
- 19 陳寅恪Chen Yinke
- 20 郭沫若Guo Moruo
- 21 毛澤東Mao Zedong
- 22 葉劍英Ye Jiangying
- 23 周恩來Zhou Enlai
- 24 陳 毅Chen Yi
- 25 張學良Zhang Xueliang
- 26 蘇步青Su Buqing
- 27 羅元貞Luo Yuanzhen
- 28 陶 鑄Tao Zhu
- 29 鄧 拓Deng Tuo
- 30 習近平Xi Jinping
- 附錄 Appendices
中英對照近代中國風雲人物詩詞(Poems of Shakers of Modern China-English Translation)