- 目錄
封面 cover
序 Preface
導論 Introduction 陳鴻瑜撰(by Chen Hurng Yu)
真臘風土記Record on the Custom and Land of Zhen-la
總敍General Preface
Figure 1: Chou Da-guan’s voyage route
Figure 2: Location of Angkor Architecture Sites
Figure 3: Angkor Wat Moat
1. 城廓1. The City and Its Walls
Figure 4: Stone gods grasp a big snake with seven heads in Angkor Thom
Figure 5: Kind stone gods grasp a big snake with seven heads on the left side of Angkor Thom South Gate
Figure 6: Evil stone gods grasp a big snake with seven heads on the right side of Angkor Thom South Gate
Figure 7: Buddha on the City-gate
Figure 8: Bayon, Angkor Thom
2. 宮室2. Palace Housing
Figure 9: Gold window
3. 服飾3. Dress
4. 官屬4. Bureaucrats
5. 三教5. Three Religions
6. 人物6. The People
Figure 10: Women wear gold bracelets on their arms and gold rings on their fingers
7. 產婦7. Puerpera
Figure 11: The birth of a baby
8. 室女8. Unmarried Girl
9. 奴婢9. Slaves
10. 語言10. Language
11. 野人11. Barbarian
12. 文字12. Writing
13. 正朔時序 13. New Year and the Sequence of Seasons
14. 爭訟14. Arbitration of Disputes
15. 病癩15. Illness and Leprosy
16. 死亡16. Death
17. 耕種17. Cultivation
18. 山川18. Mountains and Rivers
19. 出產19. Products
20. 貿易20. Trade
21. 欲得唐貨21. Desire for Tang Goods
22. 草木22. Flora
23. 飛鳥23. Flying Birds
24. 走獸24. Animals
25. 蔬菜25. Vegetables
26. 魚龍26. Fish and Reptiles
27. 醖釀27. Brewing
28. 鹽醋醬麴28. Salt, Vinegar, Sauce and Yeast
29. 蠶桑 29. Silk Production
30. 器用30. Utensils
31. 車轎31. Carts and Palanquins
Figure 12: Palanquin
Figure 13: Palanquin hook
Figure 14: Palanquin lifted by two men
Figure 15 : Horse Cart
Figure 16 : Stool on the back of Elephant
32. 舟楫32. Boats
33. 屬郡33. Local County
34. 村落34. Villages
35. 取膽35. Taking Out Gall
36. 異事36. Strange Things
37. 澡浴37. Bathing
38. 流寓38. Emigrant
39. 軍馬39. Troops
40. 國主出入40. The Lord In And Out Of the Palace